Quote Originally Posted by king2005 View Post
I think you answered your own question. I'm talking about "bitting" NOT "nipping". BIG difference. So I wont respond to the rest of your post.
Were you not saying that you would PTS that Collie?

The OP didn't even know she was nipped... she had to check. Not that it's totally horrible that she had to go through that for just standing there, but the dog didn't take a chunk out of her. Nipping can lead to a little bleeding, maybe a scratch or two, but the difference between a nip that leaves no mark and a nip that causes bleeding can come down to something as simple as not being taught good bite inhibition as a puppy. My point was, this dog didn't just race up to a family member and attack them. He nipped a stranger that was in a kind of unusual situation, because his owner gave him the slack to and probably because he is a fearful dog; I wouldn't consider that a random biting dog.