I have a 5 year old female English Bulldog. She is a sweet dog but lately when I have certain other dogs stay overnight with me for some reason she will become agressive & try to fight with the other dogs. Most of the time it will be with a dog that is taller than her such as a retriever or a lab and is another female dog. The other dog can be walking by or if the other dog is playing with a ball outside and the English Bully could care less about chasing the ball & then all of a sudden when the other dog brings the ball back for the next throw the Bully will get a look in her eyes & charge to start a fight with the other dog.

I can't figure out what triggers it and I break the fight up right away but the Bully is the one that gets the worse of the fight. This morning they got in to a fight & the Bully started it but her chin and skin around her face are getting bit by the other dog and it is ruining her pretty face. After I break up the fight and stop the play time they walk side by side in to the house. She has a little beagle friend that comes over & stays & she loves playing, running & chasing her and they never fight. Can anybody tell me what am I doing wrong and how can I find out what is triguring the fights and how can I get the Bully from doing this?

She only started this about a year ago. I have several dogs that come & stay overnight or stay a few days and some she will try to fight with and others nothing happens. She has never tried to fight a male dog, it's always seem to be another female. Please can anyone help me understand what is going on with this Bully and how can I get her to stop? I can take them out for a walk side by side & they do nothing but in the house or in the yard trouble is sure to break out. HELP!