I've groomed my dogs since I was 5, started with just helping my mom hold the dogs and brush them at that age of course. Recently she got rid of her original Wahl razor since it was 20 years old and starting to die. She then bought a conair piece of crap that doesn't work well. And then I bought a Wahl kit for people seeing as my friend with an airedale gets through her dog fine with their wahl clippers for people. Mine doesn't get through the dogs (Wallace is a cocker with all undercoat due to post shave issues he's had before we got him). The problem is the razors get clogged with hair. Make one swipe and then they start making the high pitched clogged sound and stop working and you have to clean them after every swipe. Its annoying and slower than using the scissors on the entire dog. I just want something that doesn't get clogged and can do two medium sized dogs every few months. Any recommendations?