Just thought I'd start a new thread... What do your dogs do for you? How have they changed your lives? Why do you have dogs? It can be your specific dogs you have now or just pups in general. I thought we should share why we have such love for our dogs

Well, for me, I think dogs have definitely taught me how to be selfless. They are so unbelievably willing to do anything for me, to please me. I love coming home to 3 little beings who have such love for me, no matter what I look like that day or how I feel.
My dogs are the reason I get any exercise at all I think. lol I do enjoy going on hikes, but they make it so much better. Even when I just want to be lazy on the couch for the day, I know I've got to get up and take them for a walk.
There are endless reasons why I love dogs, and mine specifically, but I know I will never be without one.