She had an NT about 11 hours after surgery, until today, so about 1.5 days. My understanding is that it was a constant drip. The plan is to entice her to eat, or, on Monday, she gets the ET.

I have her secured in a room, with no jumpable objects. She is kind of dazed...but, much more interactive then she was this am. I am still debating whether I will sleep in there, or leave her alone.

The pathology came back on the intestine. I already knew the mass was LGL, or something like that...a non-responsive form of lymphoma to chemo. The ends of the intestine, that were removed to hopefully obtain clean margins, showed a more common and better treatable form of lymphoma. So, Allie will undergo chemo, God willing.

I could just cry. But, what is the point? One foot in front of the other, with an eye towards a finish line.

thanks again,