I just received and invite to a petition on facebook for the banning of flying puppies to homes. Because of the 7 puppies that died. So they want to ban all puppies from flying unless they are acompanied by a person. In this way they are hoping to stop puppy mills.

Here is what I wonder though. Yes it could affect the puppy mills but what about the respectable breeder? It is not always possible to fly with each puppy to its new home or even to have the people fly in to pick it up. This was the case with Sheena's litter. One pup (donated one that became a Service Dog) flew alone into the States. Another one was flown to BC. I had met the adopter a week earlier when he came for the meet and greet but could not make it for a second flight to get his pup. So he also flew unacompanied to his home.

To me this is another one of those situations where to punish the bad you are also affecting the good as well. But what are your thoughts?