Just wonder what others thoughts on this would be. If people had asked me in my first marriage if I would even consider living in the same house as my then Inlaws or even my own mother, I would have said over my dead body. For my sanity there was no way I would have considered it no matter how desperate someone was. If that makes me a bad person oh well. My mother is severly physically and psychologically abusive and my ex's parents always treated me like I was worthless and was not worthy of being a part of their family. So was not going to ever happen.

But when the situation came up with my fiances mom and her rent increase I didn't even hesitate at suggesting we all get a place. Part of me was nervous. Wondering if we would all get along but it has been easy as pie. We were lucky enough to find a very large place with a 2 car garage. She has a full 1 bdr basement suite downstairs and we have the whole upstairs and the extra bedroom down. We both respect each others privacy and knock and call up or down when we want to visit the other. Even the kids know to ask Grandma May before going down to her place. I cook most of the meals except for once a week where she provides the meal. We always eat outside which is awsome. I take care of the whole clean up as well for all meals. I provide all the baking and drinks while guest are here which is every day. I love it. And my MIL seems to be doing a lot better as well and seems a lot less stressed and not as tired physically. She is 77 and has a very bad hip. She and I are so alike in things we enjoy and even in personality that we get along awsome.

What do you all think about living with inlaws? Would you ever consider it?