Yay! I can't believe she is one year old this weekend. This is a little late because I was at the inlaws for the dalmatian show this weekend. Delta achieved her second leg of her Rally Novice Title with a 79/100. Not the greatest score, but it was so hot, all the dogs were dying. And Delta hates the heat, so I was very proud of her. Since she was the only novice A dog, she also got first place! lol YAY!

For Delta's birthday she got an antler, which she loves, and a few toys, plus a biiig order of good meat from hare-today.com. Some real goodies in there.

Here is a picture of her sister, Roxy. She won first in the class of the show she was in... I don't remember which.

Here is Delta's q ribbon and first place ribbon!

Birthday Walk in a nice park! And her impersonation of a pit bull. Lol

Already being an old lady at the dog park

Paying me to give her a bath... yeah right! lol

Delta's favorite past time