I thought of making a thread on my dear chicks who passed away last year. I used to have lots of darling little chicks. My cousins, my sister and I used to keep them. We had three, two a cat came and gobbled up. Till this day we curse that cat. She was a stray Tuxie I guess. Only one pink chick was left. It belonged to my cousin. Later the chick was the only one so it became sad. We had to buy him some friends. We bought 5 more chicks. It was quite a fun having them. Many died right in our hands... We cried when one died. Then in the end three were left. Mona Junior, Chicky and Chocky. Mona and Chocky's names were changed in the memory of our very first two chicks. Their names were Mona Junior and Chocky. Later my silly dog ate Mona and we cursed that dog. Her name is Michelle. We were quite angered and really hated her for that. She is alive. We only keep her so she can guard our house. She did lots of bad things to our house. Chicky and Chocky were alive. In the end, Chicky became very sick and he passed away. Later I found out that Chocky had passed away too. I felt like crying like hell. Because Chocky was our side of the chick. we brought him. I have an album of the chicks, we only have three of their pictures. We couldn't take anymore. Miss you all darlings. Chicky, Chocky, Mona, May God bless you!