I hate most t.v. commercials. They either insult your intelligence, or make you feel somewhat uncomfortable in the presence of children. You know - the ones for male enhancement, and now female enhancement too! Those should be prohibited until after 10 p.m. - IMO anyway.

Of course I love most commercials where animals are involved - especially dogs and cats. Who couldn't smile at most of them???

But there is a new commercial out now which I find delightful - for some reason. It's for Kleenex tissues, and it's a bunch of school kids doing a kind of line dance - only it's just a hand clapping and high five thing. The music is catchy and bouncy and the kids look like they are having a grand old time. It's makes me just grin, and want to grab someone and break into dance. It's a fun, happy thing, and so different from the run of the mill idiotic commercials that take up so much t.v. time.

Has anyone else seen the one with the kids? What do you think of it? Cool - huh???