Fritz chillin by the stereo last night and and on the coffee table then waiting by the snowman for Mom to come down with cookies,he usually gets on the coffee table and looks at here ,usually around 7,he know she gets a snack at that time every night.Fritz had 2 lots of water,the pills are making him thirsty,not scratching as much,pills are helping.This morning,went to Mom and got on the bed,then he went to the kitchen sand snoozed,no breakfast,now is barking at something.Mom going after church to visit a Cousin who recently turned 90.Today to be 86 feeling like 95 .then 90 tomorrow and Tuesday feeling like 99.Marleen is getting a procedure,apparently,tubes were taken out wrong after she was in the hospital in April the nurse who came to the house took them out wrong,hope it is just an in and out thing and doesn't have to stay here long.The last picture kind of grainy,turned the flash off by mistake.