...because those who have the determination and the means are going overseas for the "liberation" treatment that unblocks a blood vessel and results in improvement. Tremendous improvement.

Neil, someone who is an old friend of the family, has been in a wheelchair for some time. His letters to the newspaper in the city of Saskatoon are well done! Long story short, he left for Germany on the 23rd (with a companion), had the procedure on the 26th, and came home on the 28th.

"So," I said today (31st), "what's NEW?"

He said, "I got my feet back." They have been completely numb from the ankle down; he can now wiggle his toes and feel a piece of paper on the floor under his foot.

His one hand, which was bent weirdly, is relaxing and resuming normal shape. His eyesight is clearer and brighter. AND - instead of lying in bed in one position, he can now turn over in bed.

He sees his GP tomorrow and his GP is going to refer him for physio. As he says, he needs to learn to walk again, and has a lot of work ahead.

My sister died from MS - it was 4 years ago in April. Yes, I choke on the "if only" - but thank GOD others have a real chance at having a good life.

Needless to say, some provincial governments are calling for this therapy to be tested in Canada...but some established conservative people in the health field (ie MS society et al) might well be out of a job.

I am just WOW on this.