YAY! They are getting over being made at me for bringing the baby kitten in the house. They started warming up to me yesterday. Before that, I couldn't even touch them or I got growled/hissed at. Yesterday Giz came wanted in my lap and so did Samantha. They didn't stay but a moment but that was better than being hissed and growled at. Today they are being very friendly, wanting petting and holding.. Samantha is sleeping with me again, the trick is not to take the kitten in the bedroom and that makes it OK..

Lil Bit is doing great. She is taking her bottle and is right on target for what she should be eating. After eating, I put her on the floor and play with her or let her just wander around and she wanders all over the place but eventually ends up at my feet. She has got to be teething because she will bite down on the nipple of the bottle and chew, chew, chew! She gets such a grip on it that you can't pull it out of her mouth!

Here are some new pictures of her..

I took this one to show her colors.. (I LOVE those caremel colored spots on her.Look at the ears!)

This I use to use for Amy but now and using for her. It is her sleeping buddie.

See how she sleeps next to it, almost under it!

Gosh! And all that PINK on her just makes me squeel with delight!