Well, I am not in the dorms or anything, but the first year of college is a transition nevertheless! People always talked to me about how much fun it would be, and how much better than high school it is. To be honest, there's so much WORK. I am taking 15 credit hours and working about 20 hours a week, and I can't imagine taking anymore. I'm trying not to be negative about it, but I've been nothing but stressed since I've started lol. Of course, I'm not getting the whole new friends and being away from home experience either.

However, I do like how much more mature people are! Instead of people goofing off and the teacher having to pretty much scream to get people to be quiet, people are actually there to LEARN. I like it. I also LOVE my Human Growth and Development class, this week we are learning about prenatal development and it's so interesting. My Biology lab class is fun, too. We're learning how to use the microscopes and we'll be looking at cells this next week.

Of course, I am going to a Community College, so when I switch over to the University I'm sure it will be more exciting.

Anyways, just thought I'd share with my fellow PTers. The people I have known since I was 13 years old. It's absolutely amazing how time flies.