Gosh, I have read about this, but didn't think it would happen to me.

All of the sudden, in the past couple of days, my two Abysinnian cats have been fighting. Actually, Juni, the older of the two, suddenly doesn't get along with her little sister, Chloe! Juni has been chasing and biting poor Chloe so much that I am afraid one will get hurt.... I am tired of screaming at them. Chloe is terrified of Juni now! But, get this, Chloe is walking around this house, crying and looking for Juni. Juni is being kept behind closed doors in a spare room for the time being. I "timed her out" today for a few hours, then left her out and it was fine for about two hours. Back in the room with her after another horrible battle.

Chloe is low man on the totem pole around here. She has always been the victim.

I am going to try to leave Juni in the room over night and hope that she will get the message about her bad behavior.

What makes them hate one another after 8 or so years? They both seem healthy.... I haven't changed anything except that I closed off the door to the outside porch, where they had litter boxes. I moved boxes throughout the house, so that they don't have to freeze to death this winter. Once it warms up a bit, I will put them back outside. I didn't do it all at once. I put boxes inside, then eventually closed off the door. They didn't/don't seem too upset about not going out in the cold. They have little fat on them, so being cold is something they hate. I have closed off the door before, without any problems.

It will be interesting tonight to see if Juni yells her head off.... keeping us awake. I also hope Chloe will enjoy not having her sister beat on her!
