Okay, just tried something. Sandra - tatsxxx11's signature picture was missing. I "right clicked' it - said "open image in new window" ... and it gave me the name and place of the image "http://petoftheday.com/talk/signaturepics/sigpic713_2.gif"

I went to Google, and search for exactly that - and it found not only what I recognized as her signature image, but a couple more - one from Carole, husky_mom, and a third I didn't recognize.

I was able to save that image, and reupload it to the correct spot and now it shows up in all her posts.

So if you have missing images that end in a .gif or .jpg, try googling for them, and maybe you will find them!

Sadly the images in my album look like this "http://petoftheday.com/talk/attachment.php?attachmentid=56567&d=1370999818" so Google didn't find it.

But it is worth a shot, I obviously cannot do that for every single missing image, but you all can for the ones you notice! If you find any, and want me to upload them, let me know!