Hi Toby! Happy Cat of the Day!!!

What a beautiful, adventure seeking, feisty and fun loving Blue boy you are, Toby, and not only beautiful on the outside, but packed with personality and heart as well! You sure do know how to squeeze every ounce of fun out of your day! And OMG, you actually DID fit into a teacup!!! That photo is beyond heart-melting!

How blessed your humans are, having known your love and companionship the past 10 years, Toby, having a never ending source of joy, love and laughter in you! You're simply the best, Toby, a gem, and so very deserving of your big day of honor!

Thanks for starting my day off with a BIG smile, sweetheart! Meeting you this morning, seeing all of those utterly squee worthy pics, has been a real treat! Hope you're treated to a very special, fun filled Cat of the Day celebration...roaming the 'hood, playing King of the Jungle; stealthily attacking your humans' legs as the descend the stairs, hehe; munching on some yummy cheese; being loved and pampered to pieces by your proud people!

No words needed!