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Thread: Newest Angel from Wren's Grove -Leroy Bird

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    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA

    Newest Angel from Wren's Grove -Leroy Bird

    Back in maybe December, when Kermit picked me up from work one day, there was a covered cage in the back of Ruby. (Ourr Honda CRV).

    I asked who was in the cage, and it was this boy:

    His name is Leroy, and he is another refugee from the dissolution of Marlboro College, Kermit's Alma Mater. He belonged to his least favorite professor, so we know he - the bird - is about 20 years old. The professor has since died, and Leroy was being fostered by a couple who recently divorced, and neither wanted him, so he now is a member of a busy, noise house with plenty of stimulation, which was an improvement for him.

    And yes, he does talk! And beep and chirp and knows my name already!
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