I took Josie to the vets today. She of course, got really freaked out. I can understand that though, she had a bad experience once when she got her anal glands expressed :[ Then this guy came in and she really freaked out, howling and backed right into the corner..I said he probably should be in cause shes going to freak out more. Shes was good overall though, I mean shes really scared, and at the end the vet gave her some treats and she seemed to like her then Anyway, she recommended the same behaviorist as the HS did, but it costs 100 bucks and hr..I'd like to try it out though, but its my dads money so whatever he says..I think he'd go for it though. They said shes really good. And on the bright side, thse men came over to move a new stove in, and she didn't bark once Good girlie :]