Morning Scenario:

I wake up to "Cheeter-cheeter." Still groggy from sleep, I pull the cover over my head to warm up. "Cheeter-cheeter." I think I'm imagining things. "Cheeter-cheeter." Cheeter-cheeter? OHHHH the bird! "Cheeter-cheeter. Whoops!" Whoops? Birds don't say "whoops." Finally, I leave the all-too-lovely warmth of the bed and trudge to the kitchen.

"Cheeter-cheeter." It's mom. "Cheeter-cheeter." A beak pops open, food goes in.

....She took him to work with her today....

Jay Cheeter is doing great so far (hope I didn't just jinx myself).
He sat on my finger last night and did an impression of a mini-vulture -- a very talented fledgling he is. lol

I found a "bird lady" but can't get her to answer the phone.

*sigh* I'm starting to get attached.