there is this cat that is always at the town post office. there is a food/water dish there so i know someone has already tried helpin the kitty out by givin it food. it is a long haired cat (grey and white). it is such a beautiful cat. i wanna get some kitty food from the store (the little ones that cost like a dollar) and take it to the kitty and feed it. but i cant cause i gotta ride the bus home from school and i live too far out of town to walk. maybe tomorrow or something i will take some of Smokey and Stormy's food (they won't miss it much) and put it in a bag and take it to the kitty. it seems like a good kitty, just hungry. "she" doesnt run away when people get out of their vehicles. she stands by the dish and meows. its so sad how can someone not take her to the SPCA or something? what would u guys do?
