As some of you know, my neighbor owns a pit bull named Buddy. Buddy digs under the fence EVERYDAY, giving my dogs fleas, and who knows what. I've taken him home 3 times already within the hour i've been home (filling uo the hole each time) His owners aren't home and my dad spoke to them last night saying they need to take care of him. He's dug under the fence and came to our backyard atleast 5 times a day in the past week or so.

As I type this he's digging.
Yesterday he dug out the side fence, and ran around the neighborhood, ending up at our front door. My dad fooled wih him all day while I was at school, and when I came home i dealt with him. My dad has a bad back and can barely control him. His collar is too big and he slips out of it. He's an angel for me. Everytime I go to take him back to his house, he puts his tail under his legs and tries to pull away.

I gave him a bath yesterday, with flea shampoo. He's covered in them today. My dogs have fleas as well, because of him coming in our yard, and we've sprayed it numerous times.

My dad says next time he comes over (dad is gone right now) he's calling the humane society. He hasn't in the past because I just don't want to see Buddy in there. There's tons of pit bulls, some have been there for months without homes. I have a feeling he'd be in there for a while to.

I don't know why i'm posting this... i'm just really upset. I really wish these people would take care of this dog. He's adorable and he's the biggest sweetheart ever.

I wish he could come over "on our side" forever.