Well, as most of you know I just recently took in some dwarf hamsters. The one with the tumour died yesterday and the others ate him. We were gone and when I came back Dan told me after moving their cage to a new location. I was going to have him euthanized but didn't have the chance. Another reason I dislike hamsters. I mean their cute and everything, but well, they really don't make good pets, AT ALL. Which is why a lot of them end up with me! Ok, there are exceptions.

So...the one with the tumour died. I seperated the last male from the females and the little baby is by himself. This morning I looked in the cage to find that the mother had given birth yet again, to five little pinkies. So that means she got pregnant the night she gave birth. I am going to try my damndest to make sure these babies grow up tame. You cannot hold the others without them biting, and hard too. Even the older baby, only two and a half weeks old bites really hard. What's funny is they punch with their front hands lol, like they are trying to box you. It's just really funny. I am seeing a slight inprovement in one of the females, and hopefully with work they will come around, or so I can hope. It's hard to place an animal that attacks you all the time lol. I dislike them but I love them..........it's hard to understand.

The babies are just soo tiny. I took one out and he is about three times smaller than a rat pinkie. I took pics so I will post them in just a little bit. They have tons of milk in their bellies and the mom is being good. I hope they all live.