My other dog Piddle(shih-tzu)still hasnt got used to Jasper, and it'll be a month on the 2nd. He seems to be scared of Jasper, and he barks and growels and runs under the couch, upstairs with my grandparents or hides away somewhere if Jasper comes near him. He also has stopped eating, wagging his tail..etc. My mom keeps saying he is going to fret away? Could he fret away?

It makes me really sad to see also, because Piddle is like my pride and joy, he always meant alot to me and just seeing his big bright eyes makes me smile, but its really hard to see him so sad and depressed, sometimes I even wish we hadn't gotten Jasper(even though I love him so much) just because Piddle was happy before and everyone paid alot of attention to him. When people come in we try to keep telling them to pay attention to Piddle too, but you know how people are with puppies....

Is there anyway to help Piddle get used to him? Will he really fret? I am very worried about him, and I could use all the advice and suggestions given, thanks!