It has just been brought to my attention (well, not mine, but, I saw the thread on it) that two of our members did not receive their gift swaps on the second to last exchange. (It might have been the last exchange....but, I think you get the point).

Now, this post was entirely my idea...and the two people that didn't get anything are the type of people that wouldn't want to be in the thick of things. Me? I don't really care.

But, I am incensed with the lack of thought some people exhibit. To think that YOU signed up for an exchange, and recieved YOUR presents, but, would not uphold your end of the deal, quite frankly, says EVERYTHING about you as a person. I cannot believe you would continue posting on this board, not acknowledging what you did.

The beauty of it, I suppose, is that no one seems to remember just WHO you are. But, like all things in life, it will come back to you tenfold.
