A poem that I wrote in 2nd grade about the way to say thank you for all that your pet has given you before they go... here it is...

In my heart I will always remember the way you would look at me and beg for more food
When you tapped your tail against the floor when I was angry, always made me happy again
In my mind the way your nose would always be wet and cold, and you would put it against my cheek, always made me wonder if you can give kisses other than licking my face
When we lay in bed you would lay your head on my legs and it always made me feel safe and watched.
I speak from my heart to you, and you do nothing more than listen.
You don't look away, talk back, argue, fight, or even stop listening
The way you loved for me to hold you, always made me think that you felt as save in my arms, as I felt safe holding you.
Even knowing I would yell sometimes, and I would get in your way.. you didn't care and you always forgave me.
I know that we will be together again someday, and that you will always be with me... but please let me take the moment to say this before you go...

" Thank you so much for all that you have given me. You are just a dog, but a gardian angel at that, and a place in my heart will always be open.. to help pay you back for all the love you have given me."

I wrote this in 2nd grade believe it or not.. I just found it in a box of my old school stuff... it brought tears in my eyes when I read it, and I just had to share it. Thank you for reading.