Okay, where do I begin???

After having a nice night with my cats, watching TV and going to bed at a reasonable hour, I awoke at 3 a.m. to arguing, coming from the back apartment.

I went to the back door and listened. The scheevbag female tenant in the back studio apartment was arguing with her "date" (or John for a better term). They settled down and I went back to bed.

At 7 a.m., I awoke again to the banging on my back door by this piece of dirt asking to use my phone. It appears her "date" wouldn't leave. She wanted to make it "look" like she was calling the police so he would leave. The guy kept saying he'd leave at daylight. Helloooooo??? It's light out like NOW!!! Keep in mind, she has a restraining order against this guy, (evidentlly it's her ex) yet she invites him to her apartment. I ended up calling the cops. They came (traipsing through MY apartment in their snow covered boots after I told the dispatcher it was the REAR apartment and to go up the BACK stairs). They left my bottom front door WIDE open!! Fortunately my cats were too scared and scattered when they arrived. They went through the kitty room to the back door and escorted this jerk out. In the meantime, I closed my back door without disabling the deadbolt, which would've locked me out, had the cops not left my bottom door open. Ever have the pleasure of walking through the snow in your bare feet in your pj's? It's a real eye opener!!

*Yawn* Turns out the cops picked Micky (real named Myrtle) up a while ago for shoplifting and violation of probation, and she just got outta jail!! They told the guy he needed to leave NOW. Told him they'd take him anywhere he wanted to go! What the hell is Ecorse PD, a taxi service???

So now I'm wide awake, as "Micky" is in lala land. I've got a call into my landlord. *shakes*

Just another day in paradise.

Thanks for letting me vent, guys. God how I HATE this place!!!!!