Hi God ~

Our lil Buddie - Snoopy - had anudder *see-zure* again ...

Kan You try ta Help his White Coat get dis problem unner kontroll?
He's been problem-free fur a while now - we dunno WHY it happind agin.

Snoop is <Blessed> wiff a WUNNERFUL DogMom - paleeze gib HER
sum extre strength ta Help Snooperz thru dis problem.
She kuld uze a *big* {GodsHUG} ta let her know Youze
*werkin* onna fix fur Snoopy.

Allua Pet Talk FueKidz an Hoomin will be sendin Purrayerz Fur Snoopy -
an it'z Munday Nite - so sum extra Purrayer Kandilz will be <glowin>.

Let Snoopy know we're ALL <wishin> him a SPEEDIE Rekovery!


/s/ the (THREE) Prayer Pups
