Quote Originally Posted by Sonia59
Might be a stupid question, but what are Mrs. Murphy books? Who's the author? I can try to find them in some international libraries, I love reading too!
Mrs. Murphy books are a series of books by Rita Mae Brown and Sneaky Pie Brown (her cat! - if it's written by a cat you know it's going to be great!) They are mysteries. A lady named Harry lives on her farm with her two cats, Mrs. Murphy and Pewter, and her doggie, Tucker. The animals can talk to each other though the humans can't understand them. It's Mrs. Murphy with the help of the other farm animals who help solve the mysteries.

Here are a few of the titles:
Whisker of Evil
Catch as Cat Can
The Tail of the Tip-Off
Claws and Effect
Sour Puss (this one will be the newest; it's not released just yet)

I hope you enjoy them! I just love them