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Thread: Breeding A Horse

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Breeding A Horse

    The horse I may get to buy is a broodmare and she has already had 2 babies. Although she is 18, can you still get her pregnet no matter how old she is? If not, what age should you not breed her at? If I ever did buy her, she would live for another 8 years my instructor said, so I wouldn't breed her right away unless she have too because of her age.. I only want to breed her because I know if she does die soon... I would miss her dearly (if i did buy her) because no matter what kind of pet it is I can't get over my pets dying no matter how they act. I would want to have HER baby, nobody elses. I may be getting way ahead of myself since I don't even own her yet... but just thought I would ask anyways.

  2. #2
    Hi It all depends on the horse. Is she happy and healthy? You would have to ask your vet if he thought she could handle another baby. Most likely she could, but I've seen a 17 year old who was retired from breeding. But that was because she had problems even when she was younger. My friend has a 21 year old who the vet says could still have another baby. (but they aren't going to breed her anyways, my friend doesn't want to take a chance.)

    So once you get her, ask your vet. But most likely, you'll be able to breed her. Also, make sure she was a good mom the last two times she was bred. My other friend's horse was biting and kicking her baby!

    If you'd like a sig, PM me.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Good Advice from Rizzo's mom but that way of thinking (her baby, no one else's) is THE MAIN cause of overpopulation in animals (but not usually horses)

    Niņo & Eliza

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    I really agree with Rizzos mom.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Northern California
    hm. Kind of a rule of thumb to me is ~ if you're on an internet pet board asking about how to breed animals, you should NOT be breeding.

    I'm sure this is not what you want to hear, but you shouldn't be bringing animals into this world unless you know every last thing about breeding and about the parents histories! You don't even own this horse... why is it that you want a foal from her ONLY? Breeding horses is much, much, much more involved than breeding dogs and cats (and even breeding dogs and cats easily costs $1000's)! If your mare needs a c-section, my gawd that will cost a ton. If she refuses to nurse her foal, again it will cost a ton and you'll be LIVING out in the barn with her foal! There is also all of the necessary costs of keeping 2 horses, the $1000's it costs to get the foal well trained as it becomes an adult, and if it's a colt you'll be paying to geld him. You'll also need to get both parents tested for health and genetic issues. You sound like you're a teenager ~ do your parents have unlimited funds to pay for you to breed? A quality stud costs at least $1000, vitamins and extra mare care costs tons of money and takes tons of time, on top of vet checks and exams... do they have that kind of money? Seriously, breeding horses is a HUGE deal, and it's pretty close-minded to say that you only want a foal from THIS mare when you don't even know that much about her. I would not dream of breeding horses, and I've been around horses and horse people my entire life ~ breeding is for extremely dedicated horse people with lots of time and money and experience.

    If you do really love this mare, why are you willing to seriously risk her life to breed her at a later age? She'll be with you for probably another 10 years... are you sure you'll have the time and funds to care for 2 horses in 10 years? When you're going to college? You will have this foal for at least 25 more years... are you sure you will even be interested in horses in 25 years?

    <3 Erica, Fozz n' Gonz

  6. #6
    I agree 100% bckrazy.
    Krista- owned by Rudy, Dixie, Miagi & Angel

    Rocky, Jenny, Ginger Buster & Tiger .. forever loved & always in my heart..

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Chicago, Illinois
    Erica, you took the words right out of my mouth.

    Even taking care of just one healthy horse that *I* don't even own is tough. I've seen people at the barn where I ride struggle with their horses just because of minor health problems, but if something like that happened to a pregnant mare that could mean life or death for her and the foal.

    Chrissy [human] Snowy [bichon/maltese] Buttons ['tiel] Bubbles [CT betta]

    -the zoo crew-
    RIP Taffy, Fluffy, Rainbow, Sushi, and The Fishies
    thatDARNhorse <3

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