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Thread: I have some ?'s about Betta Fish

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    USA and Proud of it

    I have some ?'s about Betta Fish

    What size tank?,Do you use a water cleaner tablet before you put them in the tank?,How long do they live?,What brand of Food?,Help! I have had two betta fish(Shipwreak who died 14 days after I got him then I got Sam and he died 3 days later

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    USA and Proud of it

    I have read about people and there betta fish

    those people's fish live and don't die off

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    USA and Proud of it

    I really love fish but am very confused on how to take care of them

    If you know anything about betta.I would be very happy if you could tell me about them I only know no two betta in the same tank

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Both of my boys live in a 5 gallon fish tank (separated of course...). They were living in a 2.5 gallon though, I switched them to a larger one just because of my preferences. My oldest is over 2 and my youngest is about 1 year or so. When I clean them I put something called Betta Conditioner in, I'm not sure if its required or not though. I've never heard of any sort of tablets. My Bettas eat betta pellets and blood worms, I can't think of the pellets brand name at the moment though. I hope that helped some, there are many more people here who have a lot more experience with bettas than I do so hopefully they'll reply...

    Journey - 2yr old Australian Shepherd
    Ripley - 5 1/2yr old Doberman
    Dance RN CGN FM - 7 1/2yr old Toller

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    I just put Wardley's Chlor-out drops in my tanks. Cool water. I feed pellets and krill mostly. If they died within a few weeks they were probably diseased to begin with. They live for two years, but most store bought bettas are already middle-aged.
    "There are two things which cannot be attacked in front: ignorance and narrow-mindedness. They can only be shaken by the simple development of the contrary qualities. They will not bear discussion."

    Lord John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    USA and Proud of it

    Thank You both

    thanks you gave me some good tips

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Northern California
    The basics ~ a Betta needs at LEAST a 1 gallon tank, preferably 2-5 gallons with 2-4 live or silk (not plastic) plants and a cave or two to hide in ! If the tank does not have a small filter, you'll need to completely clean it and change the water once every 7-9 days to keep you Betta healthy. Use StressCoat (cheap, and they sell it everywhere that they have fish!) to dechlor the water... you definitely need it. My Bettas also appreciate a pinch of aquarium salt each time I change their water. Put a small thermometer (costs $.79 at Wal*Mart) in the tank, the water should be 75*-80* ideally, though they can live with 70* at the coldest. For food, Hikari Betta Pellets are excellent! HBH Betta Bites also work very well, and only cost $2 for a bottle that will last forEVER. ^-^ Feed around 4 pellets twice a day. Their diet should be supplemented at least a couple times a week with thawed-out frozen bloodworms.

    My last Betta lived to be over 3 years old... I suggest you try to get a Betta from a nice Fish or Feed Store, as they tend to be younger and better cared for... their jars should be big enough for them to have some room to swim, and they should be VERY clean! Look for a Betta with nice full fins (NO tears or jagged edges), bright coloring, and preferably one that is "flaring", or spreading his fins.

    <3 Erica, Fozz n' Gonz

  8. #8
    Tanks: the bigger the better. and if you have a 10gallon, or 5 gallon a few neon tetras are fine with them. please run away from bowls. Food: not sure about food brands, but betta specific food. i've also been told that the occasional blood worm is good. I know somone with bettas who normally live for 4 or 5 years. i really wanted a betta, they are soooo pretty.

    Not to forget our little foster dog Velma Dinkley!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    -pushes Erica- listen to her- she gave lots of good info...

    but it sounds like the main reason your bettas -may- be dying is that you're not dechlorinating. make sure that ALL water you put in your betta's tank is dechlorinated. if your water is not dechlorinated, it will lead to the quick demise of your betta. Yes, tap water DOES have chlorine in it, so make sure to use stress coat if you must use tap. [pretty sure Erica explained the stress coat thing]

    I agree with many of the people who have posted in this thread - make sure you keep your betta in a one gallon bowl, at the very least.

    good luck!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    St. Louis, Missouri
    MAKE SURE to treat the water and clean the water frequently (once a week or so). ANY sized tank is ideal for a betta; contrary to popular belief they DO NOT live in only 4oz of water year-round, ONLY during the dry seasons. Bettas THRIVE and are usually more active in larger tanks. ALSO they can tank with other non-aggressive and non-fin nipping fish.

    Bettas are carnivores also, so any betta-specific food or even Brine Shrimp, Blood Worms, Water Fleas and Tubifex Worms to name a few.


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