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Thread: bunny question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Wisconsin, U.S.

    bunny question

    I know this should most likely go in general, but I know more people here. My vet is closed for the evening and my 6 year old mini lop bunny is acting odd. He was fine this morning..ate and drank as usual and got his pettingtime. Tonight he is drooling and doesn't want to eat even his treats. (he gets a couple carrot slims every night.) There isn't anything stuck in his mouth...his teeth aren't overgrown. he does not have diarrehea... there is no discharge from his nose. litter and food are the same as always... he isn't in any immediate distress but he is not right either.

    any ideas? I know cats, but he's my first bunny.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    I moved this to Pet General, where you'll get more bunny-knowlegable people. Is he pooping normally? He could have a blockage, if he isn't, which is very serious for bunnies. Bunnies cannot throw up, so an upset tummy can mean serious trouble. If he hasn't pooped by morning, I'd take him to the vet.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    I would get him to a emergency vet right away! Drooling isn't a good sign if I remember somene from my other forum said there bunny was drooling etc and went into a seazure. Wich later occured in it dying.

    When bunnies go from being totally normal to being sick so drasticly it usually is a indication of something VERY wrong. They hide the fact that they are sick very well so any slightest sign is a bad one and they should be to the vet immediatly.

    I'm not saying this will happen or trying to scare you or whatever but when I read something like this on other boards the bunnies usually end up dying that night or the next morning. Once a sign is shown they don't usually live for much longer unless they get to a vet right away.
    See ALL my pets here


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Wisconsin, U.S.

    His poop seems normal. He is a little more active than he was and the drooling is not so bad. He still isn't interested in eating although he did sniff at the zoopreem bird kibble that he loves as a treat. Other sites mentioned molars might be infected so I felt around carefully in his mouth and it seems as if he does have any teeth but his four front ones....

    I will call the vet in the morning when they open.

    Again, thank you for your help.

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