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Thread: What do you love about your dog(s)?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    The Golden State

    What do you love about your dog(s)?

    Let's share what we love about our dog(s)


    * I love the way he looks at me with such love & adoration, as if there is nobody else on the whole wide world but he and I.
    * I love that he prefers to sleep on my lap rather than anywhere else
    * I love that he's the sweetest & most obedient dog of all three, who's abiding to all the rules, and always tries his best to please me.
    * I love the way he trusts me implicitly with his entire being.
    * I love the way he hugs me!!! (Yes, he'd stand up on his hindlegs, then put his two frontlegs around my neck, and literally hugs me)
    * I love that he loves his belly scratched, and will lay down next to me with all 4 paws up every times I sit down
    * I love that he allows me to squish his face, and form his body into any shape I'd like
    * I love that he's my shadow and will wait for me by the bathroom door every time I'm in there
    * I love that he loves his toys, and almost always carries one in his mouth
    * I love that he's Missy & Muffin's best friend
    * I love that he loves me above all else


    * I love that she is always full of energy and excitement
    * I love that she can fall in love instantly with any balls!
    * I love that she watches my every moves, and if I stay idle for 1 second, she'll bring her ball to me to play
    * I love the way she rests her head agaisnt my chest every morning. That gives her (and me) the kick to start the day.
    * I love that she's the the smartest & fastest of all three.
    * I love her determination. Once she wanted something, she'd figure out a way to get it
    * I love that she's always the first to learn a new trick, figure out the way to open the door, jump the fence, get up on the table, find the hidden treats...
    * I love that she's the only one that can walk straight on her two hindlegs, and spinning around while standing.
    * I love the way her eyes light up when she sees me, specially if I'm holding her ball
    * I love that she's Mocha & Muffin's best friend
    * I love that she loves me above all else


    * I love her entire being, specially her fluffy soft hair, her curly little tail, and her pink belly.
    * I love that she loves to eat just about anything!!
    * I love the way she can fall asleep just about anywhere at about any time!!
    * I love that she's eager to learn
    * I love that she's potty-trained in just 1 1/2 months!
    * I love her baby breaths..
    * I love that she's the cutest & youngest of all three, and that it will always be that way
    * I love that she'd learned the four basic commands in record times!
    * I love that she begins to realize that she can trust me implicitly
    * I love that she's Mocha & Missy's best friend
    * I love that one day, she'll love me above all else (right now, I still have to compete with her food )
    Last edited by M&M's Mommy; 12-15-2006 at 12:58 PM.

    Thanks ~Jessie~

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Charlotte, Michigan
    Wow!!!( I love your dogs even more now) I'm checking my pulse again~

    What a Great Thread M&M's Mommy

    Let's see how Jackie makes me feel ~


    .I'm simply astonished in how you came into my life ~ Such a soft and warm signal from a dream.

    . I Love how you *wake* me up in the wee hours of the morning, gently nibbling my ears and using a paw to arose me~(but, why so early?)

    . I Love how you make those "Ma-Ma" noises when I add " meat to your daily kibble, and, when I return home from being away for over an hour.

    . I Love how your fur feels, like Liquid Velvet~

    . I Love how you rush back to me when I throw a little *squeaky* toy down the long hallway .


    . I Love how easy you are to train, you can sit, come, lay down and you're even getting used to that "leash" .

    . I love how you quicken my foot steps , how you trust me ,and how often you remind me that I " have" to be "The Lead Dog"
    Rest in Peace Corinna~ Well Never Forget You~


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Virginia US
    Wow- what a neat thread..,. Okay here goes-
    HOTTI- I love how you show calm- now there isnt a worry in the house mom- just chill. I love how you look at me with adoring eyes- while I see how he sees others with just casual observance. I love How you smile- showing every tooth in your mouth with a silly side so seldom seen by others. I love your quiet gentleness on a walk, walking in step like the lead is not even there. I love how he acts like just being in the room with me is the most important thing to do - and going in the car is to be with Mom- doesnt even matter where..
    Femka- that silly side of prancing feet when we come down the stairs in the morning of " OH BOY MOM- I KNOW ITS YOUR FAMOUS COOKIE TIME" ONLY to take it it away with the game obviously being that I thought the game was fun- but who wants this thing- ( then does it again the next morning) . I love the way she " tells on me".. lol- " Daddy- dat lady didnt feed me again today- thank God you are home!! " when at the same time, following me in house chores- and sleeping on my side of the bed if I am gone from the house on my pillow. How she stares at me with intensity of oh mom- oh wow- what do you think??
    Galina- for the soft silly paws- how easy she comes up on me like she knows she is big- but gentle as a lamb. How she paces the hallway for me to come out of whatever room- peaking around the corner - " are you there mom?" .
    Zubin- FLAT OUT SILLYNESS- like just a big baby meanwhile the gentleness of a nurse resting his head in my lap on and off all day like he still thinks his head fits between the chair and the table, when his head now is over the table. How he seems to be fascinated with the computer lap top. It must mean something to mom- here let me sniff it again- sending gibberish instant messanges to people. ( all of which the people say " hi zubin.. lol!).. How he sleeps rolled over- spread eagle flat on his back- without a care in the world..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    North East Ohio
    Great Thread!

    Sierra -
    I love that you're a princess through and through!
    I love it when you talk to me when I get home from work.

    Buddy -
    I love that you love me more than life itself!
    I love it when sissy doesn't want to play, but you annoy her so much to play that she finally gives in when she sees your Big Ol' Butt and tail wiggling in the air!
    ~Angie, Sierra & Buddy
    **Don't breed or buy while shelter dogs die!**

    I suffer from multiple Shepherd syndrome

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    The Golden State
    Quote Originally Posted by pitc9

    I love it when sissy doesn't want to play, but you annoy her so much to play that she finally gives in when she sees your Big Ol' Butt and tail wiggling in the air!
    Ooh, don't we all love the buttock up the air while tail wagging like crazy gesture?? . With three puppies I get to see it a lot, oh, and you should have seen my hubby getting down on the floor and raises his 'tock up to inititate the play with the pups - it's probably the most loving thing I've ever seen he does to our furkids!!
    Last edited by M&M's Mommy; 12-15-2006 at 12:21 PM.

    Thanks ~Jessie~

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    The Golden State

    Come on.. What do you love about your dogs??

    Thanks ~Jessie~

  7. #7
    Beacan: Those eyes, that personality, the intelligence, the unspeakable bond we have, the smile that is put on my face even if it's been the worst day ever. You are a miracle.

    Pippyn: Ohhhhhh my. The sweetest little thing ever, but not so bright. I love the way you run around oblivious to the world and are always happy. If I could have that for just one day.
    TFT ftwtyvm!

    I've Been DEfrosted.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Aquidneck Island
    What a sweet thread!

    Star, I love everything about you, your stunning blue eyes that hold the whole wilderness in them, and the way you look at me like you are reading my mind. I love your puppy-like playfullness, and how you play with your squeaky-babies & carry them around! I love your deep rooo-roooos while you stretch and look up at me, your woos of joy when we've been gone. I love how you trust us completely, even during the unpleasant things like shots & pills, and baths. I love how you make everyone around light up by lavishing them with with your attention, always gracious, always a lady. And I even love how ornery & stuborn you can be, too, pretty know how to get what you want!

    Sherman.... what's not to love?
    You brought so much joy back to into our lives. I love your sweet temperment, and how patient and polite you are- always such a dear! I love your thick plush fur, your big brown eyes, and how innocent you look.
    I love your nose boinks, you make me laugh! And I love how you follow Star around, treating her like a Queen, never fussing or challenging her leadership. I always get a thrill watching you run, too, so graceful! But it's nice to have you lean in close to me when you get all shy when too many other dogs are around.

    Yes, I love everything about my dogs. They are the joy and light of my life. I'm so blessed to share my home and life with them.

  9. #9
    I love my two poms because of all their antics and because they bring joy to everyone who sees them. The affection they show is also one other reason. but....they don't like baths lol.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Chicagoland, IL
    Tasha - My first baby girl, the first to come to me as a true baby from the shelter. I love your intelligence and complete and utter devotion to me. I love how you "mother" us all and look after us, from "grooming" everyone, to comforting, to protectiveness. I love your tolerance and acceptance of anything I may wish of you. I love the look of understanding that always seems to shine from those gentle brown eyes of yours. I love how happy you always are, your tail always wagging and your sweet grin when you are excited. You are and always will be my precious baby girl.

    Tommy - My sweet gentle spirit, my cuddlebug, my silly goofy boy, my sensitive soft pup. I love how will do anything silly you can in order to get me to laugh. I love how you will curl up next to me and stay there for hours. I love how your eyes glaze over in bliss when I'm stroking your soft coat, you live to be touched and loved on. I love how you treasure your toys and "take care" of them by stacking them up in your bed so you don't have any room to lay yourself. I couldn't ask for a sweeter, more loving dog.

    Raven - You've been part of my life just a few days now, but you've already stolen my heart. I love your adorable puppy antics, and your sweet cuddly side. I love that constant expression of wonderment in your eyes, how observant you are such as watching a bird fly across the sky above you. I love how obviously intelligent you are and your eagerness to please. Oh how you wiggle with joy when I praise you! What a joyful girl you are and I know you will continue to fill my life, as well as Tommy and Tasha's, with years of joy to come.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Tiny: Your long blonde hair, how you sleep beside my bed every night, you get really excited and stand up on your back legs if i say "Outside?", you are very thoughtful and listen very well

    Lacy: you're such a cover hog but I love that, you always dig in your bowl if your hungry and your ALWAYS hungry.

    Nitis: You always act so nice on the leash, you're a great mouse catcher, you always go to bed at exactly 8:00 every night, you love baby Nathan and always give him kisses, those pricked up ears of yours.

    Cocoa: You always get excited at dinner, you love to explore, you love to play fetch and I love to play fetch with you.

    Sprinkles: You're always happy and running around like a puppy(and you are almost 9 years old!), I love the way you look at me with those big brown eyes.

    Sky: Those blue eyes of yours...,you are so sweet, your kisses, your "it's going to be okay, you've got me" looks, when Daphney and your babies were born you sat by their side the whole time you even "changed diapers"!

    Scout: You are my teddy bear, you let puppies and babies roll all over you, you will only let Uno in your pen, you always have the sweetest look on your face

    Triskit: you are so quiet, you love everybody and want everybody to love you (which they do)

    Whino: you patrol the yard like that was why you were born, you're always looking out for Daphney your little sister, you always think you have to tip your bowl and eat the food off the ground.

    Daphney: That little swirl right on top of your head, you always escort me to the bus (or as far as you can go anyway), that tail that wags so hard all the time that it threatens to tip you over.

    Jaws: Those barely visible tan spots on your white fur, how you always go straight to your pen every morning, you love to "smile" big with your teeth showing

    Uno: my special needs one-eyed baby, my protector, my fluffy, furry, best best best friend.

    Sugars: Where do I start? You love your stuffies, you carry them everywhere and even put them on the porch in the rain so that they don't drown. You're not afraid to tell everyone what you think (in your own doggy language), you love to run and to be chased, you love your ball

    Minnie: your beautiful brown brown eyes, how you walk sort of like a horse, how you are Luckys best friend, you like to share my mints with me.

    Lucky: your long black fur, your big brown eyes, you've never not once jumped on me, you like to sit by me when i read or do anything at all

    Novie: you're such a puppy, you run between my legs when i'm walking, you love to chase Sugars, you have staked out a part of the yard as "yours", you have really gotten along with Cocoa (even when nobody else does)

    These are just very short lists. The full lists would take months and months to write.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Up North. Where all your troubles freeze and fall off.
    Oh, what don't I love about Jenny. She is so sweet and just wants to be petted, any bit of love and/or attention you give her just makes her so happy. She's really well behaved, and she'll do ANYTHING with you. (It's been tested many times, she'll do ANYTHING with me, even the strangest things you wouldn't imagine a dog doing) She appreciates everything.

    I could go on forever.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Hmm, what I love about Belle? Well, I'd say for one is how she is just like another human - sleep-wise - she's a dog that loves to sleep in. When my mom gets up in the morning, Belle will still be in bed sleeping and will get up whenever she wants to, and when she does, she just comes stumbling out like a normal person. One time I had to go wake her up because it was 12:00 noon.

    I love how cheerful she is, and how she acts like we've been gone for months when we come home, when really, we were only gone for a couple hours or so. I love how she doesn't only sit-pretty for food, but for attention and for when she wants to go for a car-ride if we're just about to leave. I just love her personality. If she were a human, she'd be the kind that always welcomes you with a smile and loving arms. And, of course, I can't forget how amusing she is. Belle always finds away to make us, our family, and our friends laugh -- especially my grandmother.

    And I also love how she likes to burrow into blankets, and sometimes even inside of pillowcases. And also how she loves to cuddle at night sometimes.

    I could really go on for much longer.

    [Irish Setter]

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Illinois, USA
    I don't have a dog ... can I tell you about my doggie "nieces"?

    Francesca (Lisa and Richard's Scottish terrier): I love to visit you because every time I'm over there, you greet me like I'm your long-lost friend and you are soooooo happy to see me! Then you get all excited, like everything else in the house must stop because someone new has come in.

    Pixie (MJ's West Highland White Terrier): I love the way you bark when I visit to tell your people that someone new is at the door. I love the way you are one of the family and how good you are at communicating your needs. I love how neat and clean you look after you visit the groomer, although I know that makes you itchy. I love your Westie-attitude most of all!

    Cassie (MY cat): I love that you greet me at the door with purrs and that you want me to pet you even before I take off my coat. I love that you put up a fuss if you don't get what you want. I love that you tell me what you want and then put up a fuss anyway. I love the little apologetic look you give me after you cough up a hair ball on the carpet. I love your ears and whiskers and paw pads and tail and everything in between. (Sorry dog people, I got a little carried away there)
    Praying for peace in the Middle East, Ukraine, and around the world.

    I've been Boo'd ... right off the stage!

    Aaahh, I have been defrosted! Thank you, Bonny and Asiel!
    Brrrr, I've been Frosted! Thank you, Asiel and Pomtzu!

    "That's the power of kittens (and puppies too, of course): They can reduce us to quivering masses of Jell-O in about two seconds flat and make us like it. Good thing they don't have opposable thumbs or they'd surely have taken over the world by now." -- Paul Lukas

    "We consume our tomorrows fretting about our yesterdays." -- Persius, first century Roman poet

    Cassie's Catster page:

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Florida, USA
    Daisy: I love how you're such a little cuddler and love a good nap more than anything. I love to pick you up and feel you draw close to me immediately. I love to hear you say "I Love You" when I get home. I love to watch your tiny little self being so cute all the time. I love it when you give your sister one of your toothy grins-nothing could be funnier or cuter than that. I love to see you learning how to be a big dog from Delilah. I love to see how serious you are all the time and that makes it especially funny when you play with your stuffed spider.

    Delilah: I love how much you love me. I love to see you root under the cover at bedtime and how you won't reappear until morning-I call you my big "tuck in". I love your morning ritual to get me to give you your daily chicken strip-you know you have to wait till I get out of the shower before the show begins. I love how you nurture your sister and try to give her lots of kisses that she doesn't really like. I love how you constantly fall over on your back for gentle belly rubs and scratches. I love you for the lovebug you are, silly!!

    I've been Boo'd...
    Thanks Barry!

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