Quote Originally Posted by Blue_Frog
This is my understanding from reading through the post -- please correct me if i'm wrong

Using examples sort of ...

Ex. 1: If i want to drive a car, I need to get a license because it is a government regulated deal. No license, no car. Dog Training is not controlled by the government, so the gobbment wouldn't have anything to do with issuing a license.

Ex: 2: At my previous workplace, I got a license to drive a Forklift with a 3rd party licencing agency (Hyster), because my company mandated that I had to. This is not an industry recognized license, and would not necessarly be transferrable to another company. The same could be said for dog licensing -- like I get a job at "Dog Training'R'US", and they mandate as a company policy that i get a license from "ABC Dog Training" in order to fullfill my job. I have a 'license', but its not certified against a centralized licensing board like a government standard, or even an industry standard (like Electricians might, using an earlier posted example). This means that my forklift license is only as good as the paper it was printed on, and as resume fodder, so something similar could be said about a dog training license.

Now correct me if i'm wrong -- there is no single entity or dog training industry that would maintain a record of individual licencing practices? This would mean that each workplace, school, accreditation institute, etc. are responsible for handing out licenses, and may work concurrently with each other. However, like in Ex.2, a Dog Training license may not be recognized from workplace to workplace, state to state, or country to country etc.