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Thread: Thatcher's New Friend!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    at beginning of the script.

    Thatcher's New Friend!

    anyone remembers my sugar babies?

    we got thatcher a new friend yesterday! for a good deal. I explained the person who breeds sugar gliders that I lost the little one, unable to afford buying another one and still have the lonely one. so he gave me an older female that has a pair inside her pouch but, then to give them back once the babies are weaned for a check up and I MIGHT can keep one. I soo miss my little one. anyway, I am surprised he'd let me foster her; they are delicated little creatures!

    this female is amazing to watch and is waaay more energitic (jumpy) than thatcher lol. she seems very wary and a bit skittish but is getting to know us and is already cuddling in their bag together! now I am happy.

    while I didn't wanted to bother her on her first night here, I took some pictures of thatcher being fed - he now no longer is scared of my hands! yay. I'm not at a computer right now but I will crop, resize and post some more if anyone is interested!
    rest and sleep softly sweet locke..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    at beginning of the script.
    so sorry for so many threads .. but she needs a name.

    I am soo proud of my new girl! tonight was the first time I let her out of their cage - she hopped onto my lap then onto my hand and just stay there - looked up at me like she was saying, hello there mom, about time! and I have to say I like you!

    she was very gentle, didn't get jumpy or became alert like when I first got her putting her on the carpet (didn't attempted to nip either!) and no fear greeted herself to mendo!! his cage was just next to theirs. they both played for a while; they did nosed each other for few seconds, mendo then would chase her around inside his cage catching her feetsies from outside of the cage in loops, amazing! in the book, mentioned that sugar gliders love the I've tagged you! pouncing game.

    something about nocturnal buddies? ok, I'm in some serious trouble, she needs a name! that goes good with thatcher...?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    with my nose in a book
    That's wonderful that Thatcher has a new friend and that she is already tame and lets you hold her. How about Odette?
    Nikki[human],Zippy[tabby],and Pumpkin[orange tabby]
    Rest in Peace my Sweet Hammie Zoey
    Jan 1,09-March 26,2010

  4. #4
    I've ALWAYS love these names for sugar gliders,

    Night Crawler or Spiderman lol, but I think Night Crawler would be best!

    Congratz on the new girl, I'm too surprised she's got babies too, they'll be a fun experience.

    Did he give you vitamines for the mommy sugar glider? Also one note, be carefull when putting the sugar gliders together, I took care of one but I gave it away to a friend who had another female sugar glider, well after seeing them get along so well the girl let them stay together too soon and my sugar glider killed her female (he ripped her tummy open) so now she only has the male I gave her (Billie)... really sad.

    Anyway I'm up for pics of your new SG! =D

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    at beginning of the script.
    omg ... that's so sad about girl suggy. I've heard they come so well in pairs (meant to be like meerkats) so I don't really know! the first night I've introduced the female to male slowly and carefully, there was no bickerings then they went into the same pouchbag overnight and things have been looking good so far.. how long did it happened after you gave billie to her?

    per vitmans, she doesn't need it as much as I give her enough calciums and phosphorus, one too much vitman can harm the absorption of calcium, and other minerals too. she's enjoying her mango as much thatcher is with his grapes!

    lol nightcrawler? I actually liked it - don't you think it's more of a masculine name? hey niki, I like odette! celesta is also another name I'm thinking about.

    allright, here's one thatcher picture, is all I have on this mobile and would have to start some with odette/celesta sometimes soon.

  6. #6
    omg ... that's so sad about girl suggy. I've heard they come so well in pairs (meant to be like meerkats) so I don't really know! the first night I've introduced the female to male slowly and carefully, there was no bickerings then they went into the same pouchbag overnight and things have been looking good so far.. how long did it happened after you gave billie to her?

    per vitmans, she doesn't need it as much as I give her enough calciums and phosphorus, one too much vitman can harm the absorption of calcium, and other minerals too. she's enjoying her mango as much thatcher is with his grapes!
    It happened about 1 to 2 weeks after putting them together, this glider that you have now is pregnet so I'd be extra carefull, but Billie was more of a humane loving sugar glider and was never with other sugar gliders all his life so he was more bonded to humans and probably thought of the female sugar glider as compition for him. I'm sure yours will be fine but just watch carefully for anything that might seem odd to you.

    Well I'd use Night - Crawler for a boy or girl I unno lol, but if not I'd go with Odette.

    Awww she looks SO adorable,

    I really want a sugar glider but I can't untill we move.. oh well your photo's make up for not having one!

    Isent it cute how they eat mealworms like candy LOL!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Alberta, Canada
    Margaret? (or Maggie) after the former British Prime Minister
    "Do or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda

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