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Thread: Cincy Sir Jury on 4/17

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Off to the races....

    Cincy Sir Jury on 4/17

    Miss Cincy will be going in for Sir Jury on Thursday, to have some lumps and bumps removed. She has had one for over a year on her side, that we have been watching, and another on the base of her tail we found a few months ago. It was, however the newest bump that Ralph found in her mammary area, the made the vet say it is time to get them removed.

    At this point, the vet does not feel it is cancerous, but due to the location, he wants to treat aggressively. While she is under, he is going to remove the rest as well.

    If you don't mind, plesae send some thoughts and prayers our way on Thursday!

  2. #2
    Prayers for Cincy. Hopefully the vet is right and it is not serious.
    Forever in my heart...

  3. #3

    <picks up Prayer Line> <dials God>

    Hi God ~

    You kan do *lumpz & bumpz", kan't Ya?
    We thought so ...

    Please press Your skrubbies, da Halo Hat anna booties fur Thursday, da 17th ...
    We've asked Tubby & Peanut to pick Ya up wiffa Silver Klowd furst thing (yupperz, we
    reminded 'em 'bout havin Your HOT kawffee by da seat).

    We need Ya in Toleedo - next to da Big Lake - ta help wiff Miz Cincy's Sir Jury and lab tests.
    And Mom & Pop will need sum {{{God'sHugs}}} durrin the procedure ...
    along wiff GranMom - don't furget Her!

    See iffin You kan get Cincy *patched up* in tyme fur Memorial Day at Findlay -
    sure don't want her missin da big Partee!
    We'll be *yappin* summore at Purrayer Times.

    THANKS, God!
    /s/ the Prayer Pups

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Cincy will be in my thoughts that it is harmless and she will have a speedy recovery.
    Our goal in life should be - to be as good a person as our dog thinks we are.

    Thank you for the siggy, Michelle!

    Cindy (Human) - Taz (RB Tabby) - Zoee (RB Australian Shepherd) - Paizly (Dilute Tortie) - Taggart (Aussie Mix) - Jax (Brown & White Tabby), - Zeplyn (Cattle Dog Mix)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    indianapolis,indiana usa
    I'll be thinking of Cincy & praying that the lumps turn out to be a minor
    problem. Be a good girl for mom miss Cincy.
    I've Been Boo'd

    I've been Frosted

    Today is the oldest you've ever been, and the youngest you'll ever be again.

    Eleanor Roosevelt

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Methuen, MA; USA
    Will keep prayers for Cincy that all goes well on Thursday!

    Sugar had a lump removed last year. The hardest part for ME was waiting for the lab report. (It was benign.) And I was surprised at the long line of stitches -- 27! The vet was as well. She said the lump was small above but had been growing and expanding underneath and almost wrapped around the carotid!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Lots of prayers on the way for Cincy. I don't think it matters if you are 100% sure that everything is OK, we all worry when our babies go in for sir jury of any kind.

    I worried all morning Friday and Max only went in for a dental.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    She'll definitely be in my thoughts and prayers!

    Ashley & Crossbone ("mini ACD")
    Living with my parent's: Jack (Lab/Beagle), Micki & Mini (JRTS)
    RIP Kyra: 07/11/04 - 11/3/12; Shadow: 4/2/96 - 3/17/08

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Aquidneck Island
    lots of love & healing sibe vibes going your way for Cincy!
    Last edited by cyber-sibes; 04-14-2008 at 10:14 AM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    We'll be thinking of her! Those lumpety bumps are so obvious on a smooth-coated girl, so it's good they are all going bye-bye at once!
    I've Been Frosted

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Findlay, OH
    You know I have already been thinking about and praying for our Cincy girl. I am sure she will be okay but as everyone said whether they are going in for a dental cleaning or a bump removal, you still worry about them. Your biggest problem isn't going to be the surgery (I hope) but how to keep her from licking and chewing on them all the time. Love and hugs to our Cincy girl and her brother and sister too -- oh mom and dad too.

    "That they may have a little peace, even the best
    dogs are compelled to snarl occasionally."
    --William Feather

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Many prayers for a successful surgery and that there's no cancer. *HUGS* for Cincy!
    ~Kimmy, Zam, Logan, Raptor, Nimrod, Mei, Jasper, Esme, & Lucy Inara
    RIP Kia, Chipper, Morla, & June

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Get well wishes coming early for you, sweet girl. Don't worry. Dasher's got those ol bumps all over him. I hope the surgery isn't too hard on you and that you get lots of rest and extra lovin' after it. And some hugs from me, too.

    I did the right thing by setting you free
    But the pain is very deep.
    If only I could turn back time, forever, you I'd keep.
    I miss you

    I hear you whimper in your sleep
    I gently pet you and say, no bad dreams
    It will be alright, to my dog as dark as night.

    Fur as dark as the night.
    Join me on this flight.
    Paws of love that follow me.
    In my heart you'll forever be.

    How I wish I could hold you near.
    Turn back time to make it so.
    Hug you close and never let go.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    North East Ohio
    I'll be thinking of you and Cincy on Thursday.
    ~Angie, Sierra & Buddy
    **Don't breed or buy while shelter dogs die!**

    I suffer from multiple Shepherd syndrome

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    New Jersey
    Prayers and positive thoughts going out for Cincy.

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