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Thread: So confused (question about gestational diabetes)

  1. #1

    So confused (question about gestational diabetes)

    Hi everyone,

    I am about 28 weeks pregnant now, just started the third trimester, and I just had my glucose test yesterday morning. The doctor called with the results today.

    Now...the reason I'm confused is this. I've been monitoring my sugar levels for the past two weeks on my dad's little blood sugar testing machine. For the past two weeks, on an empty stomach, it has consistantly been in the 80's or low 90's. The highest number I got on the machine was 138 so far, with a full tummy, regardless of what I ate that day, and how much sugar/carbs the food contained.

    The doctor called and said that my blood sugar was 190, 1 hour after drinking the glucola, and she wanted it to be below 140.

    I've been monitoring my sugar levels the whole day today. Morning, it was 92, half an hour after having a slice of whole wheat bread and string cheese. I had a bowl of rice and meat for lunch, and ate two chocolate See's Candies after that (wanted to test and see what happens when I eat sugar/carbs). 1 hour after eating, I tested, and my blood sugar was at 123. I ate some cereal about an hour later, and checked my blood sugar again, 1 hour after that. It was 135.

    As far as I can see, those are completely normal levels. It seems very strange that it would jump to 190 in one test just for the doctor, when it has been at normal levels throughout the past two weeks.

    My skin has been pretty itchy for the past few days, and I've been using a burt bee's body butter made of pure honey on my skin to soothe it. I did NOT wash my arm before going to the test, and am highly suspicious that the sugary cream on my arm may have come on the needle and elevated my sugar levels for the blood test. Do any of you think this is possible? Do you think I should request my doctor to re-test?

    I'm pretty sure my dad's machine is accurate...he has diabetes and uses it everyday. Its results have always matched the results he gets at the doctor's office.

    Has anyone else experienced anything like this? (Normal levels at home and high levels at the lab?)

    The girl at the lab who took my blood was young and seemed to be really inexperienced. I don't think she cleaned the area properly, and she took the blood from a tiny vein instead of the main one, which caused the blood to come out really slow. It was strange. I wonder if that had something to do with the results. I'm a little concerned now, because my dr. had also ordered a few other tests, and if the results for this one were wrong (perhaps?), would that mean I need to retest for the other tests too?
    Last edited by popcornbird; 10-22-2009 at 07:29 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Take a deep breath and tell your doctor just what you told us. I think being relaxed and not getting too worried is important right now.

    How do you feel?
    don't breed or buy while shelter dogs die....

    I have been frosted!

    Thanks Kfamr for the signature!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Was that the one hour test? If so, they usually will have you come back for a 3 hour test, where you drink the stuff and then they do a blood draw or finger stick every hour for 3 hours. I failed the 1 hour with both of my pregnancies, but I passed the 3 hour both times.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by prechrswife View Post
    Was that the one hour test? If so, they usually will have you come back for a 3 hour test, where you drink the stuff and then they do a blood draw or finger stick every hour for 3 hours. I failed the 1 hour with both of my pregnancies, but I passed the 3 hour both times.
    Yes, it was the one hour test. The nurse didn't mention the 3 hour test when she called me...just said the dr. wanted me to schedule an appointment with the nutritionist. Do you think they'll call me in for the 3 hour? I did call to ask if I could re-test, but my dr. is not in today. They said they'll have another dr. call and so far she never did. Oh well. Guess I'll just keep monitoring at home and report the numbers to the doctor whenever she gets back to me. How does the 3 hour test work?

    I'm feeling pretty good, apart from some recent increase in heartburn.

  5. #5
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    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by prechrswife View Post
    Was that the one hour test? If so, they usually will have you come back for a 3 hour test, where you drink the stuff and then they do a blood draw or finger stick every hour for 3 hours. I failed the 1 hour with both of my pregnancies, but I passed the 3 hour both times.
    prechrswife is right - there should have been a blood draw at 3 hours. It is normal for the one hour results to be elevated; the 3° test should be back too normal.

    You cannot diagnose gestational diabetes on one solitary test - there needs to be a pattern.

    What was the strength of the glucose you drank? The results will differ based on the dosage. The following numbers are from the NIH web site.

    Normal blood values for a 75-gram oral glucose tolerance test used to check for type 2 diabetes:

    * Fasting: 60 -100 mg/dL
    * 1 hour: less than 200 mg/dL
    * 2 hours: less than 140 mg/dL. Between 140 - 200 mg/dL is considered impaired glucose tolerance (sometimes called "prediabetes"). This group is at increased risk for developing diabetes. Greater than 200 mg/dL is a sign of diabetes mellitus.

    Normal blood values for a 50-gram oral glucose tolerance test used to screen for gestational diabetes:

    * 1 hour: equal to or less than 140 mg/dL

    Normal blood values for a 100-gram oral glucose tolerance test used to screen for gestational diabetes:

    * Fasting: less than 95 mg/dL
    * 1 hour: less than 180 mg/dL
    * 2 hour: less than 155 mg/dL
    * 3 hour: less than 140 mg/dL

    Note: mg/dL = milligrams per deciliter

    Normal value ranges may vary slightly among different laboratories. Talk to your doctor about the meaning of your specific test results.

  6. #6
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    I would ask about the 3 hour. As soon as they called with the results on my 1 hour, they told me I needed to schedule the 3 hour. (And this was with 2 different doctor's offices/labs in 2 different states.)

  7. #7
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    Land of the Ducks...quack!
    Ask about getting an A1C test too, it measures what your levels have been approximately for the past 3 months. Its a much more accurate indicator of a problem than the other test according to my moms Dr.

    *HUGS* to you!

  8. #8
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    New England
    To answer a couple of your questions: It doesn't matter which vein the blood comes from (big or little), it will not make a difference on the results of the test. Also, any kind of cream on your skin will not make a difference is highly unlikely that the blood sample would have been tainted because the needle is drawing from inside the vein.

    It could be that you have borderline cannot compare eating a normal meal to drinking the glucose drink in monitoring your blood sugar levels, just because there is no way you eat that kind of sugar on a normal basis (even if it was all ice cream )

    I was a borderline GD when I was pregnant with Lydia, but was able to control it with my extra sugar, lots of lean proteins.

    On another note, I can't believe you are in the third tri already! It probably hasn't for you, but wow time has flown so fast!!!

  9. #9
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    Dec 2004
    I hail from South Carolina, but Texas is where I hang my hat :)
    Definitely find out about the three hour test. I controlled my gestational diabetes with diet, and Clara was not born too big (apparently babies born to mothers with gestational diabetes can be on the large side) and she never showed any signs of jaundice (another result of babies born to mothers with gestational diabetes). I wasn't testing my levels at home prior to getting the one and three hour tests, so I can't really help you out there. Good luck, though, with whatever happens! It's going by so quickly! Your baby will be here before you know it!
    The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that is wrong with the world. - Dr. Paul Farmer

  10. #10
    I finally got to talk to the doctor today. I did ask her about the 3 hour test, and she said they only do that if the sugar levels are between 140 and 175. Mine was 190, so they won't be doing another test. They want me to meet with their nutritionist for some guidelines.

    I did tell her my numbers are ALWAYS in the normal range when I check at home. She said gestational diabetes is different from regular diabetes, and the numbers depend more on the current hormone levels, and the baby's position (him pressing on certain organs can trigger it), than my actual body's function. She also mentioned that I'm probably eating in the proper controlled way, which is maintaining my blood sugar at the normal levels, and if it weren't for the glucose drink, it may never have gone that high. That IS true...I was on weight watchers before pregnancy and am just used to eating healthy now, and in smaller quantities, so that may have something to do with my sugar levels being normal.

    I guess that explains why I felt a sudden dizziness/loss of proper eyesight for a brief time 2 weeks ago, one day when I didn't eat well at all. I think my sugar levels may have dropped without me realizing it. It seems to be on the lower side most of the time, so it could have easily gone down if I have GD and didn't eat much that day.

    Cookiebaker, I too, cannot believe I'm already in the third trimester. People always say pregnancy seems to go by slowly, but my experience has been different. It seems to be flying by faster than I could've imagined! It feels so real now that I feel the baby's movements a LOT. I love feeling him move, and I love trying to grab his little feet through my skin because it makes him kick back. My hubby loves putting his hand on my belly and feeling his kicks and squirms too, and I love that I can finally share that experience with him. He felt the baby move a lot later than I did. Its amazing how strongly you begin to love your baby once you start feeling him inside. We're really excited. Just 12 weeks left to go.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Wow, it does seem like time has flown for you, Popcornbird! Just 12 weeks to go, how exciting! And do you have your husband or someone prepared to post here when the baby is born? Have you told baby just how many surrogate aunts and uncles he's gonna have? After all, he's not gonna just be a loved baby, he's a loved Pet Talk baby!
    I've Been Frosted

  12. #12
    I've been checking my blood sugar 4 times a day, everyday. Its still normal. Strange that it went so high the day they tested. I wonder if having a jamba juice the night before had something to do with it. Oh well. As long as its under control, I'm happy.

    I haven't asked anyone to update pt when the baby's born. I 'think' my hospital has internet access, and I have an iPod touch, so I will most likely just post myself. Or...I might wait to get home before posting. We will see. You might have to be patient, as my mind might be too occupied with the baby to even remember I had to post.

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