Sheena is 6yrs old now. Hard for me to believe. That she has been in my life that long. I can still remember when she was a tiny little fluff ball. She has done so many wonderful things, changed my life completely and the life of so many others. Granted the gift of hope, freedom and independance to another family. She definately lives up to her name as being a gift from god. This year she lost so much but was still so strong. And in the end has gained so much. She does not look or act like she is older. She still has the energy of a puppy. She still gets excited about the smallest things in life. She even has a boyfriend that is totally smitten with her. Doesn't matter to her and him that he barely comes up to half her leg in height. lol Anyway here are some updated pictures that I have neglected to post. Her b-day was December 20 and yes she had a very good day with her new extended family that day.