Dear Six Flags,

My entire last season of work wasn't enough to prove how good I was? My friends who have been working there 4+ years in the same department aren't good enough for it all of a sudden? Okay, that's cool. Really cool. NOT. Whoever the new management is, thanks for ruining a great department and one big "family", thanks a whole lot. Good job firing one of your best leads, and not hiring your best employees back. What's with the new entertainment schedule? It's f***** up as hell. No entertainment on mondays and tuesdays? Okay see how well that goes with the guests. This department is slowly going down the tubes, and I really hope it does. When I get a call in the middle of the summer begging me to come back, don't expect much from me or my friends who you left out in the cold "so to speak". We worked out butts off all summer and previous summers, we had fun, had minimal complaining, did a freakin' parade, worked in a hot bulky costume for HOURS on end, and this is the thanks you give us? See how the new employees take that BS without complaining? And then I love how you actually expect them to do teching, shows, and CHARACTER, on top of all that. That's what takes the cake for me! Whatever, I loved last year at work. LOVED it, but things happen for a reason. Maybe I'll have LIFE for once and not work 6 days a week? Maybe, I'll finally begin to find a job with animals? Kennel attendent? Well, I will keep my options open.When one door closes, several more open. I think it's about time I move on, I got bigger fish to fry. Thanks but no thanks.

an ex "team member".