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Thread: Today has been a bad..weird day.... :(

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Today has been a bad..weird day.... :(

    Today has been...bad....weird...sad....pathetic...

    In the morning, I had a runny nose and a headache. But, still I had to go to school.

    In school, the electricity went a lot today.. My class fellow, who I was sitting with had the same problems that I had. A headache (on the same places!) we were both sweating and there was a third thing...I can't remember what it was. But, oh well. We both had the same problems.

    At hometime, our car arrived around 45 minutes late... me and my sister were one of the students that were left behind. Then we had to pick our little cousin, who was angry and sad and cried a bit because she was the last student left in the school (as she says, and I think she really was the last student left) We picked her from school around 1 hour late My elder sister who is in college, my 4 cousins, my sister and I were all picked up late as there was some problem, probably traffic jam.

    Then, there was a traffic jam on the way back home. There was a rally and the people were standing on the roads, and on cars and doing some rally thing. There was a small hot air balloon like balloon. It had a small banner attached to it. When the balloon was freed (there was a long rope with which it was attached) the banner could be seen and there were three flags attached and they were flying in the air...

    That was something nice, but then there firework like things came.. Some person was shooting something in the air that sounded like a bullet (but not that loud) and its really hot if you touch it, so we have to be careful. We saw someone standing near an area and he was saying something about it. We saw some smoke..

    Later, after sometime, my sister got a call and right before that an SMS, she seemed worried and frightened a bit. After the call ended... we knew something bad had happened...

    A girl in my sister's college was shot outside the college. There is a green overhead bridge outside my sister's college. Its made for the college girls.

    {to be continued...}

  2. #2
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    So the murder story is;

    From my sister:

    The girl was on the green over head bridge. A boy,(probably her boyfriend) came and shot her. Then he committed suicide by shooting himself too. My sister heard the gunshots but thought somebody was shooting the birds so she started looking at the sky. She was washing her face etc. in the bathroom and she saw a college maid, looking out of the window..the maid seemed dead, but she was breathing. She was extremely still! The maid asked my sister what was happening but, my sister knew nothing at that time. The maid said that some police cars were coming and they were making a person sit etc. etc.. And then the maid went outside to see what really was happening. Later when my sister was leaving the college, she saw some ambulances.

    Well, we heard this much story and said that probably the boy shot the girl twice then shot himself. We said that because my sister heard 3 gunshots.


    From my brother:

    A guy works in my father's clinic, he told my brother that he saw on the T.V. everything that was happening. The boy (the murderer) said something like this to the girl, "I thought you said we could be one." and some more weird stuff, then the girl told him that her parents did not allow etc. and that she can't do anything about it. The boy said something like,"Fine..I can't do anything either" He took out a gun and shot the girl. then he cried a bit on her dead body and then shot himself.... The police etc. got there and the new reporters (I think there is a news reporting channel's office near the college) of course got there. There is a hospital nearby (my brother's wife works there) and I think that the ambulances came from there. I'll ask my brother's wife if she knows anything about this case.

    Later after this whole story was done. A bit of something nice happened, but of course, something bad happened with it...

    We saw some adooorable budgerigars and some other types of birds. and the bad thing was...there was a traffic jam and when we got out of the jam, the traffic police came (yeah...right on time... ) It was a downtown area type place, we had to cross it to stay away from other traffic jam and rallies etc. (the crazy people had blocked the roads... )

    After a few minutes we got a BIG SHAKE!! The car bumped up and down we fell across the car. Here's a diagram of the car:

    My sister's head hit the ceiling of the car. My cousin hit her face on the bars that separate the driver's area and the back area. We fell across the car. Thank God I was fine. I quickly squished myself on the ground and thank god I didn't get hurt. My other cousin hit something on her back and my third cousin stayed fine, Thank God. My elder sister, lol her's was a bit funny. She was sitting and the only change that came to her was that all of her, jumped up a bit and shifted to the next seat. She was fine too, Thank God. But, mostly my cousin and my sister got hurt. My sister's head started to ache and my cousin got a bruise. Later when she came home, her eye had started to swell a bit. I hope he eye heals soon. Thank God there was no major problem. Another thing was that, before this bump, I was about to pin my scarf, but the pin fell out of my hand when I got the bump. PHEW!! THANK GOD! Otherwise, it could have been bloody After we settled down, I found out that my pin and my little hand mirror had broken... We came home a bit excited because we had lots of news to tell about our little "expedition" Now, all I want to do is, change my uniform (I still have it on), take a shower, drink something and rellaaaxxxx.....

    Sorry for the novella...

    Thanks...I really needed to tell somebody about my whole day..

  3. #3
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    Oh! And another thing good that happened today was.. I was boo'd!!

    Oh! And I missed some points about the girl who was murdered. She was in the same year as my sister, but my sister doesn't know her. My sister is in the F.A. second year and the second year students give the first year students a Welcome Party. But, there will be no welcome party and tomorrow will be a holiday because of this incident and on the 19th October, the Principal wants to talk to the girls, about this topic probably..

  4. #4
    What an awful day you had Sana! How sad about the shooting. Where you live, in your cars, do you have seatbelts? You said everyone was thrown around, so it seems you don't have them. Big {{{hugs}}} for your awful day.
    Forever in my heart...

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by chocolatepuppy View Post
    What an awful day you had Sana! How sad about the shooting. Where you live, in your cars, do you have seatbelts? You said everyone was thrown around, so it seems you don't have them. Big {{{hugs}}} for your awful day.
    No we don't have seatbelts in the back seats. Not in cars here. Thanks for the hugs

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Usually in my own little world...
    Oh my gosh! That would go down in history as definitely being the worst day ever. So sorry you had to go through all of this. Hoping and praying things get a little better there for you. This world is a crazy place sometimes.

  7. #7
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    This definitely would count as one of the worst nightmares you lived through. Sounds like the day was a bit too much, things really are rough out your way.
    I guess your shool buses (cars) don't have mandatory seat belts or you all wouldn't have gotten bounced around like that, glad no one got seriously injured ( excluding the fellow student who got shot and the other who committed suicide) Very sad.
    It's rough on all students when something like this happens, hope everything will be uphill from here on in.

    I've been frosted--- thank you Cassie'smom

    I've been Boo'd----

  8. #8
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    Thank you so much for your replies, happylabs and Asiel

    Well good stuff is happening We're ordering pizza and my whole family (exclude my dad, he's probably working, or downstairs in his room) is here! My sister's result came today! She got great marks, thank god My nephews are here too

    There's a bit of more sad news, the girl who was murdered, her result came today... Poor girl...

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Sending you more hugs, and one for your sister, too! Glad you are both okay, what a frightening day!
    I've Been Frosted

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Methuen, MA; USA
    Whoa, slow down, relax, breathe! NOT a day you want to have happen. Sorry so much was packed in to one short day. That is alot to adjust to.

    How sad about the boy and girl not being able to work things out, it didn't have to end like this. Now their families have this to think about the rest of their lives.

    Hugs to you, feel better, enjoy time with your family.

  11. #11
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    Thanks Karen and Freedom!! I feel much better now Thanks guys!

    It was on T.V. too and here's a link. Its on youtube too. Just search Kinnaird College murder.

    LAHORE October 17, 2011- Samer Wasti student of Kinnaird College (KC) was murdered by her alleged lover Shams in front of the college. After murdering the girl, the killer shot himself on the spot.
    Samer was a second year student in ICS discipline. The incident took place today (Monday) when she was crossing an overhead bridge in front of the campus on Jail Road. Other students were also present at over head bridge when Shams fired three bullets which killed the girl. After killing the girl, Shams committed suicide by shooting himself.
    Sad situation was observed inside KC as faculty and students were lamenting on the death of the student.
    The families must be feeling so terrible and pathetic. Especially the boy's parents..

    I really don't feel like going to school tomorrow...

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    I am so sorry you had to go through all of this today. ((hugs))

    What a tragedy for the families of the girl & boy who died. I know their families are both sure to mourn.

    I will miss you forever, my sweet Scooter Bug. You were my best friend. 9/21/1995 - 1/23/2010
    Goodbye, Oreo. Gone too soon. 4/2003 - 9/12/2011.
    Farewell & Godspeed, sweet Jadie Francine. You took a piece of my heart with you. 11/2002 - 8/8/2016
    Charlie kitty, aka: Mr. Meowy. Our home is far too silent now. 2003-6/14/2018

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