Quote Originally Posted by carole View Post
Kari you might like it, we have often disagreed on films, each to their own, i heard some saying they liked it as they left, but most seemed to be with us,not liking it.

Oh i hated that feeling uncomfortable in the film the BLACK SWAN, there were some good parts in it though, i actually have to say i preferred that film to TINKER,TAILOR ,SOLDIER,SPY.
I like movies that make me squirm, make me cry, make me mad, etc. Of course, I love laughing hysterically, too. I like movies that make me feel, even if it's not necessarily a good feeling.

I won't be rushing around to see the film, but I'm sure I'll catch it at some point. Maybe on "On Demand" one day.

I saw Dear Frankie the other day, it was so sweet. It was neat seeing Gerard Butler play such an understated character. He was perfect in the part. Actually, the casting was remarkable, as well as the acting. It wasn't a complicated movie, but I liked it a lot. I didn't sit and watch from start to finish, but I did get the gist of it, and watched certain parts with 100% attention.