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Thread: Now My Blaze Is Having Problems:Update 2/5/12

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    All your kitties and you are in my prayers.

    All things work together for good to them that love God.
    (Romans 8:28)

    I've been defrosted-- Thanks, Sana

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Alberta, Canada
    Poor Alani! I hope it's something very treatable, and something that those two brother cats keep to themselves.

    "Do or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Santa Paula, CA
    What a nightmare. Well I had a 7:30am appt. and at about 6:40am the veterinary hospital called to tell me that the vet I had an appt. with had called in sick. The lady said that I could be seen as an urgent care case and since I had an appt. I wouldn't be charged any extra. I went in and I had to wait a while. I wasn't seen until a little after 8am.
    Alani's temp was normal and his lungs sounded clear but he did sound a bit congested. He did have a coughing attack in front of the vet so she was able to see what I was trying to describe to her. She looked up Blaze's records to see how my regular vet had treated Blaze. Alani is now on an oral liquid antibotic,doxycycline, 2 times a day for 14 days. He was given a vitamin B12 shot to help his appetite and he'll also get 50ml of sub-q fluids every day for about 1 week. I have plenty of fluids and needles already. Alani's appetite is much better and Blaze is back to his normal goofy self. I decided to keep them both in the bathroom for a few days. I sure hope that Alani's cough will go away in a few days and that none of my other cats will get this. Thanks again everyone.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Los Angeles, Ca
    I'm hoping and praying that whatever-this-bug-is does not spread to the rest of your furbabies! I'm so happy that Blaze is on the mend and I hope that Alani is close behind him.
    Proud to be a crazy cat lady!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Whew, at least you got some answers, and we hope they both are feeling better with no further spread or complications!
    I've Been Frosted

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Methuen, MA; USA
    I didn't get back to this thread for a few days.

    So glad you found out what the issue is with Blaze, and now he is so much better. Isn't it such a relief when you see them start acting like themselves again? Even is it is a "goofy boy, lol.

    Come on Alani, you too need to recover quickly.

    Interesting that you had been to a cat show. I know at the show itself, we are always warned do NOT pet the cats, ask first, if you pet one, use the Purell before moving on, etc. That would be interesting if you brought something home from the show. Too bad there is no way to check if any of the cats there had this! Then you would know for sure. It's too bad, because I know attending the shows is so interesting and informative.

    I'd like to ask: you said you have plenty of fluids and needles. Do you get them from your vet or another supply source? Not something I keep on hand! But with 15 pets of course I have quite the supply box as well.

    Prayers for continued healing!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Santa Paula, CA
    Quote Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
    I didn't get back to this thread for a few days.

    So glad you found out what the issue is with Blaze, and now he is so much better. Isn't it such a relief when you see them start acting like themselves again? Even is it is a "goofy boy, lol.

    Come on Alani, you too need to recover quickly.

    Interesting that you had been to a cat show. I know at the show itself, we are always warned do NOT pet the cats, ask first, if you pet one, use the Purell before moving on, etc. That would be interesting if you brought something home from the show. Too bad there is no way to check if any of the cats there had this! Then you would know for sure. It's too bad, because I know attending the shows is so interesting and informative.

    I'd like to ask: you said you have plenty of fluids and needles. Do you get them from your vet or another supply source? Not something I keep on hand! But with 15 pets of course I have quite the supply box as well.

    Prayers for continued healing!
    At the cat show I did pet a Maine Coon cat briefly after I asked his owner if I could. I later saw a cat sneezing who was in one of the cages at one of the judging rings. I made sure to wash my hands very well when I got home before I touched any of my cats. I could've also brought something home with me after Sky's vet visit. It was very busy that day but most of the pets there were dogs. If something is air born there's not much you can do to prevent it though. I got the sub-q fluids and needles for them at the vet. They gave me more needles than I'll need. It's so much cheaper to do this at home if you can.

    Thanks again everyone. Poor Blaze is feeling great and he really wants out of the bathroom. I told him that Alani would be very lonely in there by himself and he'd be crying and getting stressed out without his brother. Alani still has his horrible cough. I hope to be able to let them both out by late Sat. or some time on Sun. Blaze's treatment will be over on Sunday but Alani has to take his medicine 2 times a day for 14 days total. My other 4 cats are really enjoying being able to come and go from my bedroom as they please. When Alani & Blaze are out, I have to keep my bedroom door shut so they won't get into things in my bedroom. I've especially noticed that both Pearl & Ziggy are really enjoying being "redhead free" because these boys love to try to play with them and they just won't have anything to do with them.


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