Hi Karen,

I also responded to your email but said that I would post here as well.

PT was the first forum I joined when I only had Moon and Bean. A few months into it, TATS (Sandra) sent me a message saying "when are you going to get that rescue puppy you've talked about?" I went on petfinder that day and found my Sunny. I have always considered Sandra to be Sunny's aunt since she is the direct reason we found her. You will all always have a special place in my heart for that and of course, the help I got when Sunny was just a puppy. Then...Bean went missing. Don't know how I would have gotten through that without my PT and dogster friends. And you all rejoiced with me when he came home

I will try to get back to posting on here daily as I really do love this crazy, animal loving community

I think all websites have taken a big hit since Facebook
and Twitter; dogster has been all but dissolved. But...your site is still
active and well loved by your loyal followers. I will try to brainstorm for
some new ideas...