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Thread: My 10 week old puppy mix. Is very aggressively fighting with my Chihuahua

  1. #1

    My 10 week old puppy mix. Is very aggressively fighting with my Chihuahua

    We recently got a German Shepherd/Terrier/Blue Healer mix (they think that’s a what he is). Today he aggressively attacked my Chihuahua. I didn’t see the first time it happened I was coming around the corner but I’m pretty sure it was similar to the second time it happened today. He is trying to play with my Chihuahua and he didn’t want to play so he nipped him. Our puppy instead of backing down went into a full blown attack mode. Had the Chihuahua pinned and had him by his neck. This happens in a matter of seconds. The first time I grabbed the puppy and put him in submission. The second time I grabbed him and put him in his crate. This was not done very kindly. I’m at my wits end Michael my Chihuahua is 10 and only 6 pounds Jeffery our puppy is probably 10 plus pounds. Pleas help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    It sounds like the puppy needs training asap, and should probably be always on a leash around the house, and crated if you are not home. Ot will be annoying, but will better enable you to be aware and correct any unwanted behavior before it escalates. He's a baby and still testing boundaries and learning how to be a good dog, and unfortunately your Chihuahua is not large enough to :"correct" him like a larger dog would likely do.
    I've Been Frosted

  3. #3
    I have him in training only second class today. He does wonderful there will sit,lay down, stay for 20 seconds and walk on leash. Unfortunately he starts playing and as soon as he got the upper hand on a dog at least twice his size he got aggressive again. When I fed him dinner tonight I was stepping between him and his dish to show him I’m the alpha first time fine second time bit me. Swatted his butt ha backed off. I made him sit at my feet until he has calmly waiting then I gave him his food back and waited for him to finish. Is this correct thing to do?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Lrice View Post
    I have him in training only second class today. He does wonderful there will sit,lay down, stay for 20 seconds and walk on leash. Unfortunately he starts playing and as soon as he got the upper hand on a dog at least twice his size he got aggressive again. When I fed him dinner tonight I was stepping between him and his dish to show him I’m the alpha first time fine second time bit me. Swatted his butt ha backed off. I made him sit at my feet until he has calmly waiting then I gave him his food back and waited for him to finish. Is this correct thing to do?
    Yes, making him wait until after the other dog has eaten in a good thing.

    I would talk to your trainer, and also Google "Nothing In Life is Free" training for dogs. Figure out his motivation, and limit any playtime with other dogs right now - as soon as he shows sign of getting overexcited, call him back to you, have him run through his tricks, etc., to distract and calm him.

    When I say figure his motivation - is he food focussed, or toy focused/ What, besides positive attention and praise, is his favorite reward?
    I've Been Frosted

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2020
    United States
    Oh! I have a Chihuahua too. I don't usually show it to other large dogs because I'm scared of what will happen.

  6. #6
    I have seen this tooo


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