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Thread: Mikey

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005


    I didn't think I'd ever be able to post this here, because that makes it so final. For those who have me as a friend on FB, you know this already, but I figured I would post this for those who don't because I know Mikey was so very loved here. But I was going back through old pictures and figured it was time.

    On March 9th, over 6 months ago, Mikey died due to a tumor on his spleen. I've been through dog deaths before, and honestly, they always suck. My 1 year old cat died over the summer, my childhood dog died in 2007, my hamster and a variety of other small critters have passed before, but NOTHING could have prepared me for the grief and emotion I experienced through this dogs death.

    You guys have been there from the very beginning. Sassy died, I was a Freshmen in High School, and it was tough obviously. We didn't get a dog for 15 months. A pretty bad time for my mental state but I won't go there. Anyway, fast forward to 27th of September 2009, my entire life changed. I am not sure what the heck I even did before Mikey but he was my heart and soul dog. He saved and changed me in so many ways. If I posted a memorial for him it would likely take me months and pages to finish it. He was the goofiest, happiest, sweetest, most lovable boy in this whole world. He was the embodiment of the perfect dog. He wasn't the best behaved for a LONG time and he was my work in progress till the day he died but he improved so much, taught me so much, and set a standard for what I will forever look for in a dog.

    I moved away from home in 2014 to go to college. I was only 7 hours away but it was tough. My parents loved that dog and would never let me take him. After I graduated I lived at home for brief periods, the longest being maybe 4 months. He was always there, always fell back into our old routines, always loved me with unfaltering devotion. He had been sick on and off for a few weeks and they couldn't pinpoint it. Well I guess one night the dang tumor ruptured. They gave my parents options for surgery that would keep him alive maybe 3 more months and if you know Mikey you know that wasn't the life for him. I was at work and still lived 7 hours away, so I wasn't home for it. They told me the next day he died. I was shocked. He couldn't even stand. It wasn't just me who experience this loss, my whole family (even my brother who only came for holidays and various weekends throughout the year) were heartbroken. I heard my Dad cry over the phone and that killed me. I was lucky because I have another dog now, Cooper, who I need to introduce still. He's a Beagle mix, courtesy of Mikey who enabled my love of beagles. He helped me more than I can say.

    As I said, I can't possibly right a huge memorial for him even now. I am still heartbroken and angry. He was only 10. Seems that's the age I loss every dog at. Anyway, I'll leave you with this quote I found that sums up my feelings:

    "Old dogs don't die, at least, not those dogs who take the biggest chunks of our hearts with them when they leave us. Those dogs are inextricably part of our souls, and they go with us wherever we are. Though we may not see them, we know they're there because our heart is still beating; we still breathe, and those of us who have been truly touched by a good dog knows our lives really started the day we met them

    Magnificent dogs don't die. They shepherd our dreams and only allow the good ones through the gates of our consciousness. They watch over us much as they did in life, and that moment we step just barely outside of death or disaster, it's because they moved our feet or they stopped short in front of us as they did in life. You see, a good dog is something only given to a few people. They are a gift from the universe and though they're with us only a short time, they never really leave us. They are loyalty and love perfected, and once we are graced with that sort of love we can never lose it. We merely lose sight of it for a time, and that is our fault; for how can love like that ever go away?

    It can't. It can't, and it never will. For these brave souls trade their hearts for ours, and they beat together beyond sickness, beyond death. They are ours, and we are theirs, for every sunrise and every sunset, until the sun blazes its last and we once again join the stars."Click image for larger version. 

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Click image for larger version. 

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    Finally attached a picture lol, took me a bit to figure out. How I will always remember him. My pugga wugga, my little man, my hiking partner, my driving partner, my walking buddy, my adventurer, my scared of gees but loved to pick up toads pugga, my heart and soul. I will miss you for as long as I live.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    So glad you posted this, we know he is always with you, and will forever be a part of you, and a part of Pet Talk. We are sure he is getting pets and attention - and treats - from the Pet talk members in heaven, including Paul, Phred, Corinna, Molly, Jonza and more.
    I've Been Frosted

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
    I'm so very sorry that you lost Miley. He was such a funny, wonderfull little guy. You and Mikey got me thru some very hard times about 9 years ago. Thank you for that. My heart is broken. Rest assured that he is being well loved at the Bridge and will always be your guardian angel.
    Gayle - self proclaimed Queen of Poop
    Mommy to: Cali (14 year old kitten)
    (RB furbabies: Rascal RB 10/11/03 (ferret), Sami RB 24/02/04 (dog), Trouble RB 10/08/05 (ferret), Miko RB 20/01/06 (ferret) and Sebastian RB 12/12/06(ferret), Sasha RB 17/10/09 (border collie cross), Diego RB 04/12/21

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2017
    USA, previously Europe
    I am so very sorry for your loss of Mikey. What a handsome boy he was.
    You said you couldn't write a huge memorial for him, but what you wrote says it all. Mikey was a lifesaver, a soulmate and yes, way too young to leave.
    What you meant to each other will live on forever!
    Willa (5/1/1997-3/17/2018)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
    Dear Alysser, I am so very sorry about your sad loss of your dear Mikey, so loving and so beloved. What a wonderful dog, and what a beautiful tribute you have written to him!

    You and he have shared a deep and precious love that is part of you both forever. What a beautiful quote you finished your piece with! That is so true.

    Mikey is at the Rainbow Bridge watching over you, with you always, there to welcome you Home, One Fine Day...

    Deepest sympathy to you and your family and all who love and miss and grieve Mikey. May your precious memories and keepsakes help to bring you comfort.

    I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?"
    Death thought about it.
    CATS, he said eventually. CATS ARE NICE.

    -- Terry Pratchett (1948—2015), Sourcery

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2020
    United States
    It's so sad. My deepest sympathy to your loss. My friend in Car detail Chicago IL also experienced grief. He didn't eat for days and can't sleep because of it.

  8. I know you posted this quite some ago an i have been avoiding reading it cuz i know...
    i know exactly how you feel an it just how much it sucks

    that being said though i am glad i did finally read it cuz that quote is so very true. it really is
    thank you for sharing!

    rest in peace Mikey

  9. #9


    Who wouldn't love Mickey? We adore him.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Alysser View Post
    I didn't think I'd ever be able to post this here, because that makes it so final. For those who have me as a friend on FB, you know this already, but I figured I would post this for those who don't because I know Mikey was so very loved here. But I was going back through old pictures and figured it was time.

    On March 9th, over 6 months ago, Mikey died due to a tumor on his spleen. I've been through dog deaths before, and honestly, they always suck. My 1 year old cat died over the summer, my childhood dog died in 2007, my hamster and a variety of other small critters have passed before, but NOTHING could have prepared me for the grief and emotion I experienced through this dogs death.

    You guys have been there from the very beginning. Sassy died, I was a Freshmen in High School, and it was tough obviously. We didn't get a dog for 15 months. A pretty bad time for my mental state but I won't go there. Anyway, fast forward to 27th of September 2009, my entire life changed. I am not sure what the heck I even did before Mikey but he was my heart and soul dog. He saved and changed me in so many ways. If I posted a memorial for him it would likely take me months and pages to finish it. He was the goofiest, happiest, sweetest, most lovable boy in this whole world. He was the embodiment of the perfect dog. He wasn't the best behaved for a LONG time and he was my work in progress till the day he died but he improved so much, taught me so much, and set a standard for what I will forever look for in a dog.

    I moved away from home in 2014 to go to college. I was only 7 hours away but it was tough. My parents loved that dog and would never let me take him. After I graduated I lived at home for brief periods, the longest being maybe 4 months. He was always there, always fell back into our old routines, always loved me with unfaltering devotion. He had been sick on and off for a few weeks and they couldn't pinpoint it. Well I guess one night the dang tumor ruptured. They gave my parents options for surgery that would keep him alive maybe 3 more months and if you know Mikey you know that wasn't the life for him. I was at work and still lived 7 hours away, so I wasn't home for it. They told me the next day he died. I was shocked. He couldn't even stand. It wasn't just me who experience this loss, my whole family (even my brother who only came for holidays and various weekends throughout the year) were heartbroken. I heard my Dad cry over the phone and that killed me. I was lucky because I have another dog now, Cooper, who I need to introduce still. He's a Beagle mix, courtesy of Mikey who enabled my love of beagles. He helped me more than I can say.

    As I said, I can't possibly right a huge memorial for him even now. I am still heartbroken and angry. He was only 10. Seems that's the age I loss every dog at. Anyway, I'll leave you with this quote I found that sums up my feelings:

    "Old dogs don't die, at least, not those dogs who take the biggest chunks of our hearts with them when they leave us. Those dogs are inextricably part of our souls, and they go with us wherever we are. Though we may not see them, we know they're there because our heart is still beating; we still breathe, and those of us who have been truly touched by a good dog knows our lives really started the day we met them

    Magnificent dogs don't die. They shepherd our dreams and only allow the good ones through the gates of our consciousness. They watch over us much as they did in life, and that moment we step just barely outside of death or disaster, it's because they moved our feet or they stopped short in front of us as they did in life. You see, a good dog is something only given to a few people. They are a gift from the universe and though they're with us only a short time, they never really leave us. They are loyalty and love perfected, and once we are graced with that sort of love we can never lose it. We merely lose sight of it for a time, and that is our fault; for how can love like that ever go away?

    It can't. It can't, and it never will. For these brave souls trade their hearts for ours, and they beat together beyond sickness, beyond death. They are ours, and we are theirs, for every sunrise and every sunset, until the sun blazes its last and we once again join the stars."Click image for larger version. 

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    I am so sorry about Mikey. I and so many others know much of what you are feeling right now. Run and play over the Rainbow Bridge Mikey. Hang out with your family's other furry members and trade stories about happy times. Your family will one day see you again at the Bridge so be ready for lots of hugs and kisses.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2021
    Colorado usa
    Blog Entries

    Sorry for your loss

    Hi there I am new on pet talk and am sorry for your loss. I lost a dog to and it's pretty hard to go through but the sun always rises and sets.


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