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Thread: Skunk!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Syracuse, NY


    Help!! Duncan has discovered a skunk in the backyard!! He is intent on catching this intruder and has been sprayed 3 times this week!!! I've used tomato juice, lemon juice, pepsi and tons of over the counter sprays to make him smell better. I was just wondering if anyone else had any suggestions!!!!???? The town is trying to trap the skunk before Duncan catches it but my father is about to boot me out if Duncan doesn't stop tryin to catch it. Eventually he will and then I will have huge smelly mess on my hands!!!

    Hello to everyone I haven't seen by the way. Long story! talk to you soon! Thanks for the advice!

    Love, Jennife & Duncan

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Northern Colorado

    Some things you might not have tried yet....(Sorry, I have no personal experience with this!)

    Welcome back! Nice to hear from you again!!!
    Now, down to any new pics of Duncan???

    Many thanks to Roxyluvsme13 & k9krazee for my great new siggy!!
    *click* Kirk's Recovery Thread *click*

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Kensington MD USA
    Duncan STOP IT!! I know you're just trying to protect but honestly now... look at the trouble you might get into Jenni, pictures of Duncan Boy puleeeese such a handsome boy, we've missed you both

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Happy Valley, Utah
    Ack I had a badly skunk sprayed Malamute come in for a bath and brush....

    I did not realize how hard it was to get out!! What I did was soak him in vinegar then washed him in 3 different kinds of skunk shampoo. Several times. I let him soak in each for at least 15 minutes. It got out most of it but he ended up coming in a week later because the smell was still there in parts.

    I did the same routine with the vinegar and other shampoos, when I found a different shampoo we had. I believe it was called Sidney's Skunk Stop or something like that. In a dark brown bottle with an orange lable. It had a VERY strong sent and seemed to do the trick pretty good!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Upper penninsula Michigan
    Well it seems to me that Duncan is just trying to help out the townspeople in their effort to rid the town of the evil skunk! He's a hero, not a villain.

    I saw on a thread not too long ago that some people use baking soda and vinegar to "bubble" the scent off. I've never tried it but they said it worked well - but you have to mix it right before you use it.

    Thanks for the siggy, Lexi_Lover!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    West Columbia, SC


    Some people swear by Massengil Douche----honest!!!


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Kensington MD USA
    That's right, Phred had some problems with Cinder or Smokey with a skunk and he mentioned that "cure" (amid much blushing )

  8. #8

    ~ Skunque Odor ~

    Hi, Le Pew ~

    Cinder here ~ with experience ~

    Here's the Latest & Greatest ~ According to Dad:

    **A hydrogen peroxide/baking soda recipe:
    * 1 Quart of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide
    * 1/4 cup of Baking Soda
    * 1 teaspoon of Liquid Dishwashing Soap

    * Wash firmly into fur while mixture is bubbling...
    * Let stand or continue rubbing in for 5-10 minutes...
    * Rinse off with tap water.
    ** Special Note: Do NOT mix this solution in a closed container ~
    ** It will **burst** as pressure will build up!
    ** Use immediatly after mixing before it stops *bubbling*.
    *** Don't get in Pet's mouth, ears, or eyes!!!

    Some web sites suggest using...

    * Massengil Douche Powder (Nope... Not a joke!) But Dad said "No Way!" unless I'd go inna druggy store wiffa note tied round my neck anna munnie inna lil baggie! We dint try this wun.

    * Scope Mouth Wash (but not other mouth washes for some reason??). Might also be helpful for dogs getting 'skunk breath' after a skunk encounter.

    Wun time (I gotz *Skunqued* two timez - I'mma slow learner ...) It took'd TWO Peroxide an Baking Soda baffs kuz I gotz a good dose frum the purdy B&W kitty. Just startin to dry out after the furst baff when Dad startz *sniffin* all ober my bod... Got rushed back to the garage and he whipped up anudder batch of magic potion an did me again. I smelled so *neutral* after that it wuz disgusting!

    Here's a good site to peek at...

    Beyond Tomato Juice... Skunk Spray Remedies

    The above was quoted from a post by Drake's Mom...
    Drake's Tail... "Draker Le Pew!"
    An another Oldie but Goody from 9/2001...

    She dun it AGAIN: Skunk Kiddie #2

    I jest don't believe how DUMM she can be...
    Last nite we got our bed time outie. I'm doin my stuff out front, she's rompin round the ranch house lookin fer mischef ta get into. I hears this *Pfsssssst* sound near the sidda house. Ole Cinners comes runnin likitty-splitz tryin ta rub her facebones tween her legs onna wet grass.
    I axes Whuz rong?
    Black an White Kat pee'd on me, again.
    That ain't a KAT, dummie; issa SkUnk!

    Dad opens the door an sees me onna porch wiff my dinnerplate eyeballs on; I jumps thru the door bout the time he gets the "scent". He hollerz so's I turned on the Shake & Vibrate an hide inna kitchen. She runs round the living room (spreading ode-de-skunque) an heads for the basement door. Dad finally corners me and I pass the *sniff* test. Now she's unner the BigBed gettin nerbus. Dad opens the cellar door an she flies down stairs wiff him in hot pursuit. Musta flunked the *sniffer* test cuz Dad starts grabbin stuff for the "skunque mix" an starts pourin it inna empty plastic pop jug. I hears em go inna garage an wadder starts runnin...

    I hear the time out chain rattlin; then Dad comes up (a liddel soggy) wiffout the CinderMutt. I getz *sniffed* AGAIN, but I getz a biskit an we jump inna bed. I tried ta mention that mebbee he otta close the winder, cus the air's gettin a liddel *thick* inna bunkroom, but he sez shuddup & go sleep.

    Bout dark:thirty I'm UNNER the bed cuza the *stink* inna bunkroom. Dad jumps up an yanks open the cellar door an *sniffs*. Comes back *sniffin* alla way. Uh-oh! Members he opened the winder afore the skunque eppisode started. Yep, *ode-de-skunque* flowin in thru the open winder. Tried ta tell ya, Dad . My Dad's not alluz the brightest litebulb in the pack.

    Morning comes an I go out fer a breath of fresh air - wheeew! Picked up Cinners onna way to the trakter kar. Oh m'gosh - didja stik a paw inna lectrik sokket? FurSkinz stickin strait up! She's droppin furrz left an rite, so's we boff gotz a brush job afore we got inna trakter.

    She's still havin a bad hair day - all fluffie and wavin inna breeze !
    /s/ Cinder, Smokey & Heidi

    R.I.P. ~ Boots, Bowser, Sherman, & Snoopy

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