Thanks for the suggestions everyone.

Do you think a rescue would take him, even if he is being fed?

I don't think the owners have ever taken him for a walk, given him a bath, played with him, taken him for car rides... or anything a normal dog owner would do.

I talked to the guy once or twice myself and he said he "doesn't trust him(Buddy)" Well, how in the heck are you going to learn to trust the dog if you never spend time with him???

About the chicken wire, I doubt that's going to happen. We already spent $20+ on wood to to bury. We put metal polls every few inches in some spots. We can't tear up our whole yard to keep this dog on his side. Besides, it took his "owner" years of living there to take care of their rotten fence, that was barely standing up. They just finally did it this year, without giving us warning that they were doing it Wouldn't you wanr your neighbors, that have two dog(and actually care about them) that you were tearing down a fence that seperates your yard from theirs?

Another thing... We were good friends with the people that used to live there. The yard and house were GORGEOUS. They had the perfect lawn, their trees and bushes were trimmed, they had beautiful flowers -- their pool was taken care of, their deck was nice, the pine needles and palm leaves were taken care of.
Not anymore. The yard is overgrown, the deck is near rotten, the pool is filthy with sticks and leaves, there's pine needles and palm leaves everywhere. I'd hate to imagine how it is inside.

I don't think Buddy is beaten, or mistreated, besides the fact that they don't pay attention to him.

Buddy doesn't get out often in the neighborhood. Only into our backyard. It was the first time i've heard of him running in the neighborhood, and he hasn't tried it again.

Aly- I'd NEVER EVER let my dad call animal control. Never. He doesn't have any behavior problems (besides the digging into our yard) and he doesn't deserve to die.

Fleas never used to be really bad for us. Until them. We've told them we were going to call the HS, obviously it doesn't matter if he's doing it again. I know he adds to our fleas, and that's a reason I don't want him coming over, and the reason it makes me so mad that he keeps doing it.

I don't blame him either... nor do my parents. If you were a dog, and saw two happy plump puppies (and their plump owner ) Playing in their backyard and the dogs actually getting attention, you'd wanna come over too, right?

As I said, I wouldnt EVER let my dad call animal control, or let this dog die. If he did, i'd probably never speak to him.

I wish I could find words to say to this duy, and ask him if I could take Buddy. I'd be willing to take money out of my savings account in Michigan (it's supposed to be for vacation and such to have fun) to help pay for vet bills or whatever Buddy needs. I'd either find another home for him, a rescue, or maybe he's already chose his home, and that's why he wants to come home.

I hope I answered all of your questions..... if not point them out to me... i'm really tired..