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Thread: How Did Your Cat Get His or Her Name?

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Milan, Italy
    My male cat is called Gigio. Personally I don't like the name, it's the name of a puppet - which happens to be a mouse ... not very dignified for a cat! It was either my father or my sister who gave him that name when we found him almost 18 years ago. I guess it's a little too late for a change...

    I have a female cat called Maya. She was found by a fried on my sister and since my other cat just passed away and I was looking for a companion for Gigio. The day I brought her home my sisters came over and we started to try a whole bunch of names on her, the poor thing must have thought we were demented.

    The last addition to the household is a female cat called Prema. Strictly speaking she was supposed to be my sister's cat. My sister and her other two were staying with me when Prema was adopted but she lost all rights to her after ten minutes. Prema, which in Sanskrit means love, was given that name so that it would go with the names of the other two (Darma and Rama - my sister names all her cats after Hindu Gods and Goddesses).

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Zurich, Switzerland
    Simon, the siamese ! Do I need to say more

    With Kelly it was different. When I picked both (Kelly & Simon) up at the SPCA here in Zurich, Kelly was sitting there and cleaning herself but she was sitting in such an odd way that it looked like some Hollywood actress was in pose. I quickly checked who my favourite actress was. My first thought was Grace Kelly but Grace? Where as Kelly sounded great. I just said Kelly aloud and checked her reaction and there it was. She looked at me with her beautiful eyes and I knew Kelly would be Kelly.

    Have a purr-fect day
    Simon & Kelly

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Los Angeles, CA USA
    Dutchess - because she "was." Dutchess, now living across the Rainbow Bridge was my first dog - a miniature, all black, poodle. My stepmother was a "backyard" breeder. However, the papers required by the American Kennel Club were not in order, so we ended up with a whole litter of poodles. Dutchess became my dearest little friend.

    Sugar was a gift. At first, I didn't like the name that he came with. But he was a long haired Turkish Angora - pure white. And soon I realized that the name suited him perfectly. Sugar is across the Rainbow Bridge as well, but he was my first and only cat for eighteen years.

    Within two months of losing Sugar we went out to adopt another cat. My husband selected Patches - a Calico. Patches is now sixteen and she has been a Prima Donna from the day we brought her home. She also came with her name.

    It was so painful losing Sugar that I vowed I would never be a one cat home again. I wanted another cat to be a companion to Patches. And just like "Magic" he showed up. The dearest all black long haired kitty that is now also at the Rainbow Bridge. When I first took him to the vet he wanted to know if I had brought him in for his shoulder problem. I didn't have a clue, and the vet was referring to Magic Johnson's shoulder injury.

    And last but certainly not the least, we have Rascal. Rascal just showed up about a year and a half ago. He is my ginger boy and he has attitude!! I gave him that name because he truly is a little rascal. He loves to hide behind doors and pounce on Patches. He also made it quite clear - I am going to live with you!!!! And I am in charge!! He was absolutely right on both counts.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    Originally posted by lhg0962:
    Mimi was named by my daughter's dad. She is very feminine and petite. The name just seemed to fit. We have had her since she was 6 weeks old.
    Butter, who has only been with us a short time, is creamy colored, with butterscotch colored ears. Thus, the name "Butter". Someone else mentioned that his name ought to be "Butter Ball" because of his nice round face. You must look at both of them. I'll list the topic so you can flip through and see them.
    I know at least Butter's picture is in this topic under Cat Rescue:

    And here is where Mimi can be found:

    [This message has been edited by lhg0962 (edited February 14, 2001).]

    [This message has been edited by lhg0962 (edited February 14, 2001).]

    [This message has been edited by lhg0962 (edited February 14, 2001).]

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    Logan - regarding Mimi (what a pretty baby):we have "Wispurr Ann" who looks VERY much like Mimi. She was a stray, but in cat books she totally resembles a Norweigan Forest Cat. What do you think?

    "Wispurr" is 6 yrs old and I thought up her name (it took 3 days) since she has all the wisps of white on her chest and constantly purred from day 1! Our other kitty babies are: "Snuggles"(17), named by our son when he was 5 - after the Snuggle fabric softener bear,"Wilbur"(13), who was named at the shelter, but whose name fits as he is big, floppy & such a love, and "Indiana Jones"(8) aka "Indy", named by our son after the movie - quite appropriate as he is certainly always into everything!

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Lawrenceville, GA USA

    Fuzzy and I weren't together when we tried that "make 'em stronger by implying something with the name" thing. Even though this is the cat board, I'll share this one.

    I bought a female beagle from a pet store. She was "older" (she's about 12-15 years old now) and had been rescued from a puppy mill, where she'd been a breeder. The dog was so terrified about being in the pet store, I asked the owner to let her come home with me for some rehab and socialization. Once we got her home and realized she had no name, we decided to try to "pump" her up with one. We named her Sassee. When we realized how bad off she was (had been extremely abused), I bought her rather than send her back to that environment (where no one would want her anyway).

    Unfortunatly it's never stuck, but she's gotten better. For the first 3-4 years she lived with us we had to drag her out from under a sofa/day bed to take her out to the bathroom and had to feed her under there. After 7 years she's finally to the point where you have better than even odds on her coming when called. But, she's happy. She lives with my ex and older son (with my cat Crystal who has FIP, not FIV as Fuzzy said - he's still new at this cat diseases thing...).

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    MA, USA
    Zezu got his name from: partly because of the cute leemer named Zaboo from the kids tv show 'zaboomafoo'. We love that little guy. Also, My girlfriends last name begins with Z and I called her Zezu sometimes. Now our little cat is named Zezu.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Bergenfield, NJ USA
    My male cat Boo-Bo is named after the owl from the movie "Clash of the Titans". My youngest female cat was abandoned by her mother, I found her in July so I called her Julie she is an Egyptian Mau. My half in and half out female cat is a Nor.Forest Cat, she adopted me one very windy spring day so I named her Windy. All these cats are very loving.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    CA, US
    My cat Aerial got her name because I love the character Arial from The Little Mermaid and when she was a kitten she would do all kinds of Aerial flips!

    ~*~ Chanelle ~*~

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Ben - I love that show Zaboo Mafoo! My baby cousin said her first words while we were watching it one day. She said "dog woof". She also goes around saying "zamoooo" whenever she wants to see the show

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    Hollywood,CA, USA
    My calaco female cat is named Mushroom. I looked into her face when I took her from a shelter and sort of asked her what her name should be. I thought of Mutt because she's funny looking and has three colors of fur running through her. Mutt seemed to harsh for her and then Mushroom came into my head and it completely suited her face. She looks like a cat that should be named Mushroom. My friends laugh when I tell them her name but they think she looks like a Mushroom. Its funny because I hate mushrooms to eat. I never eat them.

  12. #42
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Toronto, Ontario
    Tiger was named after Tiger Woods because I got her on the day Tiger won the Canadian Open (September 10, 2000) I am trying to teach her how to play golf... Just kidding!
    Not to mention I thought she was a boy when I first got her.. I found out she was a girl one month later, but decide to keep the name anyway...

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    Livonia, NY, USA
    Paint your wagon...
    ...and they call the wind Miriah!

    he's so cute.

    B) Becca

  14. #44
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    Edmonton, Alberta
    My gray and white cat, Gonzo is named after the muppet character. He is the very first pet that I got. He is 10 years old now and still acts like a kitten.

  15. #45
    My Noisette (French for Hazelnut)is gray... but the morning she found us (in October) on our doorstep was a small bunch of hazelnuts...the odd thing is that we live in the middle of the city without an hazelnut tree in sight!? A couple of hours later, there she was... a little kitten, scared and dirty and she had hazel eyes!! As if Mother Nature had found a way to prepare us... Joy!!

    Happiness is only a purrr away...


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