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Thread: My Life Is a TOTAL Nightmare!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    If You Don't Talk To Your Cat About Catnip, Who Will?

    My Life Is a TOTAL Nightmare!

    ARGHHH! I don't even know where to begin, but things have become psychotic here. I've taken in two moms and kittens from a colony I've been chipping away at, both moms are likely adoptable. 1st mom has 4 six week olds, 2nd has 5 nine day olds. I set up a cage for each, and then things turned crazy. Another abandoned cat (with a collar and phone #) was called by the elderly woman who was feeding her and noticed she was very pregnant. Maureen calls the # on the tag and the *&##s says to her..."Oh we don't want her"! GRRR. So another person who does rescuing, Julia calls a total stranger who had wanted a kitten, and talks her into taking the pregnant cat. She delivered 2 days later four kittens. The kittens are about 3 days old now, and mom cat is no where to be found!Mom cat got out between last night, and this morning!! Talk about idiots! All the way around (Julia included)! So mom cat is loose in the same neighborhood that I spent 4th of July weekend trapping 3 kittens and their mom. I took the kittens home, and now this poor mom has 9 kittens on her!They are close in age, and she accepted them, but I'll be bottle feeding to help her out until either another surrogate can be found, or the mom by some miracle shows up (I doubt that). It gets better..I get home to a call from an old friend who thru the grapevine heard of a colony of cats and kittens. Sooo I head over there, round up one mom and her only baby and throw them into my handy instant cat carrier aka laundry bag. I found another rescuer to take her and the one. Another mom had 5-2 week olds in the back of a pickup truck. I fed her and while she was eating I checked the kittens over and found 2 have no eyes! I couldn't risk her up and moving them so I trapped mom and picked the babies up. Poor Spencer(the dog) had to be evicted from his kennel in the kitchen as I'm totally out of space, and scrounging for more foster homes! I stopped by the vets office on my way home, and had a vet look at the 2 kittens w/eye problems and they recommended killing them. No way..not after seeing how well our special Magoo has done. And knowing that killing a kitten that size is not a nice death. I won't get into that, but I somehow found the room to squeeze in (I lost count) many more. Now there's the desperate need for foster homes that I have to find. I'm disgusted by this city.
    Last edited by QueenScoopalot; 08-05-2004 at 07:18 PM.
    ~*~ "None left to rescue, none left to buy, none left to suffer, none left to die. None to be beaten, none to be kicked...all must be loved and all must be fixed".
    Author Unknown ~*~



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Cactus country.. tucson, AZ!
    Good grief! Sounds like a mad house! I'm sorry things have gotten so crazy, but you're wonderful for taking in all the mums and babies! Hang in there, and duct tape your head on if you have to!
    "He who is cruel to animals becomes hard also in his dealings with men. We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals."
    -- Immanuel Kant

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    If You Don't Talk To Your Cat About Catnip, Who Will?
    I think a "Bridge Party" is in order! I find some cinder blocks, and rope, and do the big plunge! I'll have company going down don't worry. Plenty of us in the same boat....or party!
    ~*~ "None left to rescue, none left to buy, none left to suffer, none left to die. None to be beaten, none to be kicked...all must be loved and all must be fixed".
    Author Unknown ~*~



  4. #4
    Ack! Talk about crazy! I don't know how you do it! But it's such a good thing you do for these cats!

  5. #5
    Here ya go QSA Here is a little stress reliever guy for you. Watch HIM for awhile. Then can you have a nice bubble bath and some tea or something?? Here, maybe a hug too? ((((((((Jan)))))))))

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Stockton, CA
    Yes, more {{{Jan-hugs}}}
    I'm sometimes asked "Why do you spend so much of your time and money talking about kindness to animals when there is so much cruelty to men?" I answer: "I am working at the roots." -George T. Angell, reformer (1823-1909)

    Thank you, Popcornbird for creating this tribute to Summer starring Livvy and Cassy

    Livvy: 11 April 99 - 5 July 09
    Cassy: 11 July 99 - 8 April 11

    If you would like to visit my BeautiConsultant page --

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    If You Don't Talk To Your Cat About Catnip, Who Will?
    Originally posted by sirrahbed
    Here ya go QSA Here is a little stress reliever guy for you. Watch HIM for awhile. Then can you have a nice bubble bath and some tea or something?? Here, maybe a hug too? ((((((((Jan)))))))))
    Hugs time for bubble baths I just want to cry with all the babies and moms coming in non-stop. The last batch are the saddest. Two are congenitally blind, but can I tell the vets kill them? NO! I know how kittens at two-three weeks old are killed, and I'd rather not see that happen. I have yet another duo to look into tomorrow. Abandoned mom, and her one, one eyed gorgeous (quoted by the feeder) kitten. I've stuffed all the foster homes and am searching for many more!
    ~*~ "None left to rescue, none left to buy, none left to suffer, none left to die. None to be beaten, none to be kicked...all must be loved and all must be fixed".
    Author Unknown ~*~



  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Montreal, Canada
    Oh Jan, poor you. I admire you so much for the devotion you have for these cats, but i'm afraid you might have a "burn out". You seem to be taking on an overload. I'm worried about you that you will be pushed to your limit. You are in desperate need of a break.
    Is there anyway that you can advertise for more foster homes needed in your area?
    Please take care of yourself as I know all these precious babies will be taken care of by the best.


    R.I.P. my Precious Katie, Katie Pretty Lady.
    Oct. 1991 - Oct. 9, 2005
    R.I.P. my Beloved Wild Hair Wee Willy Winky
    April 8, 2005 - June 19, 2009
    R.I.P. my best friend Buddy.
    Sept. 1993 - Feb. 04, 2010
    R.I.P. my handsome Mooky.
    July 24, 2002 - April 1, 2010

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    If You Don't Talk To Your Cat About Catnip, Who Will?
    Originally posted by rg_girlca
    Oh Jan, poor you. I admire you so much for the devotion you have for these cats, but i'm afraid you might have a "burn out". You seem to be taking on an overload. I'm worried about you that you will be pushed to your limit. You are in desperate need of a break.
    Is there anyway that you can advertise for more foster homes needed in your area?
    Please take care of yourself as I know all these precious babies will be taken care of by the best.

    Right about limit has been pushed. But HOW can I not try all my contacts, and push them all as well? It seems this is worse than the springtime baby boom! Here comes the next tidal wave, and everyone has either adopted a kitten or cat by now, or has a cat & kittens! ARGHHH! I Just may end up with two more special needs babies to add to the pack. Both totallay blind.
    ~*~ "None left to rescue, none left to buy, none left to suffer, none left to die. None to be beaten, none to be kicked...all must be loved and all must be fixed".
    Author Unknown ~*~



  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Tennessee, USA
    HUGS Jan!!! If it helps, I will cry with you!

    Hang in there friend... you can only do so much ..... don't forget to take care of YOU too!

    Kim Loves Cats and Doggies Too!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Wow Jan, I don't see how you do it. All I can offer is my support over the internet, some cyber {{hugs}} and prayers.

    Hang in there!

    From Decker with Love

  12. #12
    QSA here's some more stress relievers (great idea sirrahbed! lol)

    And finally, here's a group hug from PT for all that you do!!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Good Grief Jan!!! Girl you have got to take a breather or you are truly going to lose your sanity!!! I know there are so many in need but the sad fact is that isn't going to change or ever stop. If you don't take care of you then there will be no super rescuer to help the many more to come.
    I can't imagine how sad it must be to have those blind babies but from what I have learned the fact that they are born blind will make it much easier on them. They will never know what they don't have and should be great pets. (thanks Magoo for that wonderful lesson) I'm sure it will be hard to place them but then again you never know!
    The frustration with stupid people and the never ending flow of those in need is enough to overwhelm the strongest. I don't know how you do it all the time! I'm furious everytime I leave the shelter just with what little I see.
    Please Jan take a small break so you don't totally burn out or go completely nuts. It really will benefit the many cats in the future. You can't save them all no matter how hard you try. If those kitties lose you then I can't imagine what it would be like.


    {{{{{HUGS to YOU}}}}}

  14. #14

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Modesto, Ca
    Oh, my, Jan. You sure do have your hands full. You are such a wonderful person for doing all of this. I wish that I lived close enough to help you. I hope that everything works out for you and the cats.

    Thank you Wolfie!

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