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Thread: Litterbox snacking--HELP!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Dallas, TX USA

    Litterbox snacking--HELP!

    I know this is GROSS, but I can't seem to find a way to keep my Sheltie, Ashkii, out of his brother's litterbox. Mookie is a big kitty and has a large litter box with a cover on it. However, Ashkii isn't much bigger than the cat, so he can easily get his head in the opening. He will also eat Mookie's food whever I'm not looking, so if I leave, I have to pick up Mookie's bowl and feed him when I get home. Ashkii is obviously establishing dominance over his brother, but eating Mookie's food and er, poop, can't be good for him and it's disgusting as well. Does anyone have any helpful ideas to solve this behavior?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    AB, Canada
    I think this has come up once before. Is there any way to put the litter box in a room so that you could put a baby gate in front of the room?
    This is the set-up I have. A spare bedroom is the cats' room. The 2 litter boxes are in one corner, and the cats' food bowls are in another corner. There is a baby gate in front of the door, so the cats can easily jump over, and the dogs can't.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Dallas, TX USA
    Thanks for the reply! I've tried the baby gate, but Ashkii can jump over it, too. I love Shelties, but sometimes they're just too smart! Someone told me once that there's something you can put in the cat's food to make the end result unappealing to dogs--anyone know what it is? Thanks!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    Greenville, SC
    As far as the cat food goes, you might just designate a high spot to feed the cat. My cat eats in my utility room on top of the dryer, where the dogs can't reach her bowl. As for the litter box, I think the baby gate is a perfect idea, even if you use a closet or bathroom to keep it in. Just keep the door cracked a little. Our litter box, which our cat doesn't use a lot, is in my bathroom, which has a bi-fold door. I have just had to train myself to keep it cracked, just enough for Mimi to get in. Good luck.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    I'd try putting the litter box up on something where the cat could get in, but the dog couldn't.~~

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    I forgot to add about the food.... I'm blonde what can ya do?....... lol

    do the same with the food, put it up where the cat can get it & the dog can't.. ever tried putting on animal outside while they eat? or in different rooms?~~

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Dallas, TX USA
    Hi! Thank you all for the replies and helpful advice! I did move the food where the cat can get it and the dog can't, although I can see that he's trying to figure out how he can get to it, the little stinker! As for the litterbox, I had a brainstorm while reading your replies--put it in the bathtub! Not only will this keep the dog out, but it will ease cleanup of scattered litter from kitty paws! Thanks again you guys!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    cxg31s I don't want to discourage you in your search for the perfect spot for your litter box, but the bathtub has some potential problems I think. If you use a clumping litter and the granules should go down the drain I am afraid that the litter might clump in the pipes when water is run and will clog your pipes. Maybe somehow seal off the drain so that doesn't happen. Also, I would think your dog could still get in the bathtub because my dogs had no trouble jumping in the tub when it was their bath time.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    southgate mi. usa
    I know it is gross but my 4 week old Dane likes to eat my cats 'POOP' OHHHHHHHHH......yuck the only way I can get him to stop is to kepp the laundry room door open enough that the cats can get through and the dog can' it is seeming to work!!!

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